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Konami has announced three games: Mobile Systems and Nintendo Switch - Nerd 4. Life

Konami has announced three games: Mobile Systems and Nintendo Switch – Nerd 4. Life

Gonami ha Announced Three new games in the franchise U-G-O! Simultaneously: U-G-O! Master Duel for mobile and home systems, U-G-O! Nintendo Switch and U-G-O! Cross-fighting for mobile systems. U-G-O! Ark-V is coming to Yu-Ki-Oo! Dual links.

U-G-O! Master Duel This is basically a digital version Collectible card game Issued by Yu-Ki-O !, the official press release also states:

U-G-O! Master Duel will allow both old and new players to enjoy the full experience of the famous U-G-O! Trading Card Game (DCG) in digital format. Tollists from all over the world can compete in incredible duels that are intense to play and thrilling to watch. Unlike other Yu-Ki-O! They take elements of manga and animation, U-G-O! Master Duel revolves completely around U-G-O! Trading card game and U-Ki-O declares itself to be the most complete digital title dedicated to the world! DCG

U-G-O! Master Tool is available worldwide for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Steam, iOS and Android – and also the first time for the U-G title. -Oh! , Stunning 4K graphics on compatible devices will add pride.

U-G-O! Rush Duel New adventure for Nintendo Switch based on U-G-O! Sevens.

Explore the vibrant world of Yu-Ki-O! Sevens currently playing in Japan, and find a fun new way to fight Yu-Gi-Oo! Rush Tube for Nintendo Switch. Based on the card game RUSH DUEL, which has been available in Japan since last year, U-G-O! Rush Tool uses a whole new set of rules that allow you to continue fishing and summoning! Get ready for unpredictable duels, during which time the wave may change very quickly …

Toulists can collect Rush Duel cards, build their deck, and confront U-G-O heroes! Seven and challenge to friends and calligraphers around the world. All of these are waiting for many more at Yu-Ki-O! Rush Duel, reveal this fall in the US and Europe.

U-G-O!  Rush Duel, logo
U-G-O! Rush Duel, logo

U-G-O! Cross Dowel It is a mobile program that only claims that four players face each other at the same time.

U-G-O! The CROSS DUEL takes everything to a whole new level with incredible battles between four dualists. This amazing new U-G-O that has been released worldwide on iOS and Android devices! All the details about the project will be revealed soon.

U-G-O!  Cross Duel, logo
U-G-O! Cross Duel, logo

Finally, Konami has some number of Yu-Ki-O! Duel Links, which has been downloaded by more than 140 million people worldwide, has collected 65 billion cards and fought over 6 billion duels. U-G-O! Dual links are available for PC, iOS and Android systems.