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Jurassic World Evolution 2: Dino theme park goes to the next round with chaos

Jurassic World Evolution 2: Dino theme park goes to the next round with chaos
Built: Frontier Developments

Theme Park Simulation Jurassic World Evolution (Trial) 2018 was able to convince the editors with new ideas and good technology, it does not need to be very beautiful high quality PC, now there is a British Development Studio Frontier developments Released the second part for PC and game consoles.

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Themepark simulation for PC, console and streaming

GeForce Now and PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 (Tested) via Windows PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series X | Jurassic World Evolution 2, now available for S (trial), includes, among other things, advanced campaign options and customization options for Dinosaur Theme Park.

More plants, animals, species and chaos

Developer Studio has also provided a “Chaos Theory Mode” for the game, which is based on scripts from five movie templates in the series. Jurassic Park And Jurassic World Orientation and puts the player in the role of Doctor. John Parker Hammond and other protagonists from the movies Slip.

The flora and fauna are also expanding compared to the successful first area, and provide more habitat from dense forests and rocky landscapes to tropical regions and deserts. And new species such as the aquatic dinosaur Attenborosorus As well as being native to Western Europe 168 to 166 million years ago Megalocerous Are included.

The Jurassic World Evolution 2 has a RRP of. 59.90 on the system, which is sold on the Steam and Epic Games Store and game consoles.

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