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atmosphère jupiter décryptee

Jupiter’s atmosphere was finally understood

Numerous publications about Jupiter’s atmosphere filled the newspaper columns Geophysical Research Letter, Science And Geophysical Research Journal: Planets. Taken together, they allow us to understand Jupiter’s atmosphere in an unprecedented way: its 3D structure in convection cells and Jet streams The actual size of the deep, glorious Great Red Spot and other surface rotations … In the wake of these synchronous releases, several international physicists’ teams explained the latest observational data from the Juno study and put it into orbit around the gas giant. July 5, 2016.

It’s like opening a treasure chest », Miracles For Lori Claes, director of the Department of Planetary Science at NASA. We understand that: Since Jupiter’s orbit in July 2016, this study has provided physicists with more accurate data on the gas giant than ever before. Analyzes of this data were published this week in the form of six articles, which were published in three major journals: Science (In them Papers), Geophysical Research Letter (In them Contributions), and Geophysical Research Journal: Planets (In them Articles Even)

But what data clarifies the nature of the pea pulp that Jupiter contains? First, microwaves, those electromagnetic waves have a wavelength of 1 mm to 1 m. During Juno’s 37 orbits at a distance of 4,200 km from the surface of the gas giant, its board instruments collected valuable information, especially thanks to its microwave radiometer – a remote sensing device that measures the energy emitted by different molecules and makes it possible. Draw the vertical profile of their abundance, despite the (very) severe weather that rules the surface of the Jovian atmosphere.

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The Jovian Atmosphere is designed in 3D

Second, 3D models of the behavior of Jupiter’s atmosphere are important in analyzing the signals collected by Juno. For example, it made it possible to determine the optimal atmospheric model to explain the distribution of ammonia – the NH4OH molecule – on the origin of the odor and toxicity of urine on Jupiter. ” It has been shown that the atmosphere is made up of thermosetting cells, such as ferrous cells. “, details Karen Duer, researcher at the Weissman Institute of Science and co-author of one of the publications.

Jupiter ammonia sample
The ammonia distribution anomalies found in Jupiter’s atmosphere (in b, the red areas are rich in ammonia, the blue parts are poor) are similar to the anomalies predicted by the convection model, such as the feral cells. (in c). In a, the vertical wind used in the model (ascending in red, descending in green). © Duer et al./Geophysical Research Letters

These ferrule-like convection cells – the Earth’s atmosphere between latitudes 30 60 and 60, orbit in an air cycle – are shown in blue in the article’s title image. Finally, beneath these convection cells are powerful laminar currents known as jet streams, certainly in the form of Jupiter’s bands.

Beyond its powerful obstacles, Jupiter’s atmosphere is known for its magnificent color bands that run from east to west. Juno had already determined that these were powerful jets flying at speeds of up to 500 km per hour. But now, researchers have a clue about the birth of these horizontal bands: they come from deep laminar jet streams under Jovian convection cells.

A large red dot far from the surface

Another much-anticipated result is about Jupiter’s famous big red dot. First observed by Cassini in 1665, this giant anticyclone is larger in width than the diameter of the Earth.

Juno surprised us by giving clues that Jupiter’s atmosphere was deeper than previously expected. 2, explains Scott Bolton, Juno is in charge of the mission. Recent findings clearly confirm: according to the analysis of the density anomalies in the Jovian atmosphere, the big red dot is erupting at a depth of at least 500 kilometers! But it is also the largest of the vortices on Jupiter’s surface – rotating storms.

Jupiter red stain
The Great Red Spot was moved by Juno (with two multi-colored lines) to help clarify its composition. © Parisi et al./Science

Typically, the vortices turn into monstrous storms hundreds of kilometers thick, which pierce the gas giant’s ice and even the depth of water condensation in a dark abyss. The position of the object changes, but the vortex continues!

We refer to this important depth as the Jovicline, which refers to the Earth’s thermocline [limite assez abrupte entre les eaux superficielles chaudes et les eaux profondes froides des océans] Says Leigh Fletcher, one of the leading scientists involved in the study. In other words, on Jupiter, the clouds change positions (except to be filled with ammonia)! Just as the earth’s ocean cycle and atmospheric cycle coexist.

Jupiter orbits the atmosphere
The water condenses from the 5-10 bar, but the vortex system lasts. © Bolton et al. / Science
Source: Science