Updated: October 11, 2020 1:22:18 pm
JEEv Advanced AAT Result 2020 at jeeadv.ac.in. Representative image / file
JEE Advanced AAT Result 2020: The result of the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT 2020) has been released. Candidates appearing at the entrance can check the result through the website- jeeadv.ac.in. The result along with the cut-off for admission in IITs will be available on the official website. The entrance was held on October 8th.
Candidates who have cleared the entrance can apply for admission in B Arch courses offered at IIT Kharagpur and Roorkee.
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JEE Advanced AAT Result 2020: How to Check
Step 1: Visit the Website- jeeadv.ac.in
Step 2: Click on the result link for ‘AAT 2020’
Step 3: In the new window, enter the registration number, date of birth and mobile number
Step 4: The score card appears on the screen
Step 5: Download and print out for further reference.
Meanwhile, the counseling process for admission in IITs has been initiated. This year, a number of changes were introduced, including scraping cut-off for 12th grade marks, as well as a lower round for counseling among others. The number of counseling rounds has been reduced to six instead of the previous seven to ensure timely admissions and the start of classes.
The JEE Advanced result was released on October 6. Pune boy Chirag Fallor topped the test, while Kanishka Mittal topped the All India Radio 17 test among women.
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