“Nicolas Irdo’s candidacy for the presidency of the Calabria region is now being pursued by a regional regional commissioner and a national secretary in the middle of Ford,” said Massimo Kennel, Democrat National Assembly
There seems to be no peace left in the center Calabria. One week after approval Nicola Irdo As a presidential candidate Regional elections The following fall, young Dem announced his retirement again. Comment on the story Massimo Kanale, Of the National Assembly Democratic Party, Who conducts a public examination and sends a message to the Secretary Enrico Letta. Below is the full post posted on social media:
“Let’s face it: Irdo lied when he announced he was being inducted to retire, but instead Letta, Bozia and the whole Nazarene equestrian circus were telling the truth by arguing that Nicola was the only candidate for Rico and PD. When Nicola Erdo’s candidacy is constantly being worn in the middle of the Ford by a fielded regional commissioner and a national secretary: unable to choose whether to continue or return, it looks like a gingerbread man.
Although Nicola is lying, general rehearsals for change have begun: two of them are one step behind to advance to the next lap.
Nicola Irdo has a unique trait that everyone has to deal with: 39 years old.
In recent months, PD and Calabria have been able to inspire confidence and excitement in many of his colleagues who want to change, and he would have been willing to take the pages and be by his side.
We will create the region, we will lose them, Nicola will be selected from the list of popular compliments (usually) and it will be for him and some boys and girls to rebuild a plan for the future of the region.
If they make a reason for it, those who conspire behind the backs of an entire generation during these hours, the future is impossible, always planted on their feet and sadly, anti-mafia executives are not always ready to point the finger to cover up the complete lack of their causes and perspectives, only capable of reflecting light.
Cletarias, scratches, all those who consider Calabria a lost land, a whole generation at the gates where the burden of change falls today, can only be achieved when we begin to see Calabria. It only serves as an opportunity for the lives of those who misrepresent it as a problem or cancer. “.
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