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How to use mobile as an electronic DNI reader

How to use mobile as an electronic DNI reader

Written by Beatrice Alcondara on Technology

Last updated on 12/31/2020 at 17:23

There is a lot to do with procedures related to public administrations Electronic DNA has been very convenient and simple since its introduction Thanks to the chip that integrates the card you can request from any DNI office, you can identify yourself at the electronic headquarters of public organizations using your unique zip code.

DNI 3.0 reader with mobile

Everything improved in 2015 with the advent of DNI 3.0, a document that can be read directly from your mobile No USB drive required. The process will be a bit complicated, so we will show you how to use your mobile as a DNI 3.0 reader.

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Differences between Electronic DNI and DNI 3.0

Before we get fully into the process, let’s talk about the key differences between the previous electronic DNI and the current DNI 3.0. If the document has been updated since 2015 you will already be counting. As the National Police website explains, DNA needs to be constantly updated for technological changes in the community.

Yes, some changes are needed to improve the security and use of the system. Thus came DNI 3.0, which connects a sculpt with a dual interface, not only through hardware, but also Wireless You have to say yes or no on your smartphone with NFC technology.

This way, the user avoids having a hardware device such as a USB drive, as well as downloading certificates or installing drivers on their computer. In short, the use of DNI 3.0 is very convenient, because All you need is your username, your mobile and your computer.

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How to read your electronic DNI (DNI 3.0) with your mobile

To use your mobile as a DNI 3.0 reader, the first thing to do is make sure the NFC technology. After this step, you are compelled Download the app on the phone “DNI Reader for PC Using Mobile” And program on the computer DNIeRemote. Below are the download links for both.

Once the required tools have been downloaded and installed on the mobile and computer, you need to do that Implement NFC technology In Settings> Links> NFC and Payments. Open the app on mobile, select the Connect with WiFi option, open the program on the computer and select the WiFi option in Connect mode.

To start the connection between the two devices, you must Capture QR code with mobile camera Displayed on the PC screen. Additionally, you must enter the 6 digits that make up the CAN of your DNA, i.e. the numbers that appear in the lower right corner.

Once this step is complete, you should Move the ID closer to the back of the cell phone Read it NFC chip. With a slight vibration, the terminal will tell you that the reading is correct. Finally, to complete the link, you must enter the zip code of your electronic DNA, which is the only code you need to know.

Read DNI 3.0 with mobile

By permanently integrating DNI 3.0, your mobile will become the same reader, so you can do without the old USB reader. If you want to use it in the next case, This will be sufficient to bring the identity document closer to the terminal To identify it.

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Further We recommend using the application widget By placing it on the home screen of the phone “DNI reader for PC, use the mobile phone” because it allows you to quickly access its functions, thus saving time during the process of identifying ‘public administration.

Image: SER chain