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How to upgrade iPhone and battery: There is a new tool

One of the biggest issues with the iPhone is its battery life. Soon, a new tool to improve everything will come

Upgrading the iPhone battery
IPhone will soon have a new tool to upgrade the battery (screen shot)

Not to mention one of the most popular and used smartphones in the world IPhone. Since their first introduction, one of the Apple devices The object of true worship. 13 release pending, iPhone 12 beats competition by captivating numbers, but news Cupertino’s colon They certainly did not end there.

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New tool for iPhone, iOS 14.5 is here

The iPhone is foldable
Here’s how Apple’s new gimmick works in this regard (Photo: Facebook)

The company is actually continuing to work on its operating system, the new beta of which is now out: iOS 14.5. Many messages, many of which have already been announced and disconnected several times. One of them, however, is not much talked about: Tool to improve battery life.

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How many iPhone owners have experienced these types of issues in the past? With the new tool, everything can be measured directly with a plate. If discrepancies are found, you can proceed Free replacement of the battery.

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