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How to recognize it to avoid "infection"

How to recognize it to avoid “infection”

The Green Boss scam is back on WhatsApp. A message that calls you to download the certificate but hides a really dangerous virus.

Green Boss
The web

Cheats are always looking for different ways Fools people Or simply Create difficulty. Paradoxically, a virus may cause the spread of a certificate trying to control the serious effects of Govt 19 A virus on your smartphone. This is because Green Boss is used by hackers as a tool Affects electronic devices. Then Telegraph, the first victim of fraudsters, And WhatsApp method. So, focus on a message that can have serious consequences.

Green Boss scam on WhatsApp, how it works

It was demonstrated in June when a message began to run in the Telegram A Green Boss scam. The matter seemed to be over in the summer months, but the pause did not last long. October has come and it has changed Message application Involved, but the message and its consequences will always be the same.

The Green Boss scandal is now underway Share Reported by many users. You get a chat, its content “At this link you can download the Green Pass Covit-19 Green Certificate, which allows you to travel freely across Italy without a mask“It relies on users’ sensitivity and innocence and strong desire to go one step further back to life before infection. Of course, as soon as you click the link A virus enters the smartphone And there will be a clear path to access all of the fraudsters Sensitivity data.

Read more >>> Whatsapp, New Fraud In The Corner: High Risk Account

How to protect yourself from fraud

You will need to protect yourself from the Green Pass scam on WhatsApp Ignore the message, Do not click on the link and do not report the use of attempted fraud. The Post Office provides public advice not to fall into the trap of activated technology fraudsters By phishing. Links should always be there Verified by locating the source Thus the authenticity of the message can be ascertained. Also, personal information should not be mentioned via chat or email, especially with banking information. Finally, all users should know that it is important Marker Arrival of suspicious messages to the postal police using the portal

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