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How To Download Green Pass With Health Card Without Code

How To Download Green Pass With Health Card Without Code

Green Pass can be downloaded in many ways through Vaccination, Healing or Negative Swap. To download with your health card, you can use the government website, but also use the Immune Processor. In addition, always with a health card, you can go to the pharmacy, general practitioner or pediatrician.

The Green bass It was mandatory for all workers a few days ago, first for certain activities, and then gradually for long-distance transportation, schools and universities. But there are still many doubts for citizens to express it. There are many ways to get it and download it. In some cases a health card is required, in others SPID (digital identification) is sufficient. However, in general, there are always three possibilities to get a green pass: get vaccinated against goitre, get infected with the virus and get well, or wipe out with negative results. The time is different: from the fifteenth day after the first dose of the vaccine, from the day of recovery or during the following 48 hours during the antigen test the green bass will be active and the molecule if swab 72.

To download Green Pass, the methods are different. With Health insurance card Green certification can be obtained in several ways: Online via the website, But also physically at the pharmacy. At the site you will need the last eight digits of the health card code, the expiration date and the authorization code that will be sent via email or SMS. Alternatively, you can download Green Pass in digital format with the same data through the Immune Processor. To receive – perhaps – the authorization code does not come, you can always use the government website: there is a special section in which you must enter the last eight digits of the health card, tax code, event type. No green pass received and date.

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Green Pass can be obtained with a health card in another way: by going to the pharmacy, family doctor or pediatrician. In this case, it can be requested in digital and paper form. The green certificate can be obtained with a digital identity, through the government website or the IO App.