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How to carry out more cleaning work without being able to sleep school staff loads.  Download the engagement correspondence template

How to carry out more cleaning work without being able to sleep school staff loads. Download the engagement correspondence template

Load handling activities and, in general, excessive physical exertion (there are frequent requests for clarification of procedures if a school employee reports that they are unable to perform any activity such as moving objects, furniture, files, cleaning, etc., such as high or hard surfaces).

If these difficulties, especially temporary ones, are informally disclosed to the SGA Director or School Manager, the employee’s needs should be taken into account and, as far as possible, general knowledge, to avoid overloading his activities. However, this results in a favorable treatment compared to co-workers or total exclusion from activities.

On the other hand, if the employee discloses his or her limited physical abilities in writing, to justify the request for exemption from burdensome activities, the Chief Editor, as an employer under Order Order 9 April 2008 n. 81 (Integrated law on workplace safety), In view of possible total or partial, complete or temporary exemption, it is necessary to implement appropriate procedures to verify the capabilities of the employee.

Attendance at the Medical College.

In this regard, DPR n. Article 55-Act of March 30, 2001, 171 of 2011 “On the implementation of the regulation relating to the termination of the employment relationship of employees of state public administrations in the event of permanent psychological incompetence”. 165, establishes that the school manager should evaluate whether adequate medical evaluation is required as physical problems manifested by the employee may have an impact on service duties. For example, consider medical certificates issued by the employee, sick leave, and issues reported in the workplace.

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After all, if there are physical conditions that lead to speculation of a complete or associated permanent disqualification for service, you should pursue a request for medical college attendance. The request for information should be sent without the consent or denial of the employee being detected.

It should also be noted that college attendance can be encouraged upon the specific request of the employee.

The visit is being carried out by the Medical Verification Commission, which is affiliated to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, based in each regional capital. Made up of medical professionals, it is the only body qualified to evaluate the eligibility of public servants for service.

If the employee refuses to attend a joint visit without just cause, the administration reserves the right to proceed under section 55-Act of the Legislature. 165, the employee shall be suspended from service without pay or compensation.

In the event of repeated denials, the work relationship may be terminated.

Precautionary suspension.

In accordance with Art. 6, paragraph 2, Presidential Order no. 171/2011, in the presence of certain circumstances, i.e., in the presence of physical conditions which may lead to the consideration of complete or relative permanent disqualification for the service, when they pose a risk to the safety or security of the employee concerned, the Head Teacher, as an employer, shall, in accordance with the following steps, employ the other staff of the user, subject to appropriate attendance. As a precautionary measure, the employee may be suspended:

Communication notified to the employee of the intent to continue the precautionary suspension from service;

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– The employee has a deadline of 5 days to submit summaries and documents opposing the dismissal;

– The head teacher evaluates what is provided and, finally, proceeds with the reasonable action to terminate the work relationship, if necessary.

The suspension will last until the Medical Commission decides, up to a maximum of 180 days in any case.

During suspension, the pay for non-sick periods is the same. Finally, the period for calculating the length of service is valid (even if the subsequent judgment constructs a complete disqualification for the service).

Partial incompetence.

If the Medical Verification Commission finds a partial ineligibility for service in the report, the head teacher will be responsible, in conjunction with the DSGA, especially for handling heavy loads or specific activities. Technical evaluation and assignment of job description to employee. Reduced, which, excluding questionable functions, will continue with the job description given in Schedule A attached to CCNL School Division 2006-2009.

With a specific service arrangement, reduced and / or equivalent tasks will be assigned, confirming the results of the medical examination and the qualifications conducted and ensuring a training class where required and evaluating the correctness of the task.

The employee is entitled to retain a fixed and consistent salary related to that area and economic group by paying a check, even if he is assigned to equal duties and holds a lower position. Advertising person Re-absorbable with each subsequent economic development.

Permanent complete disqualification.

If a complete and permanent psychiatric disability is reported, the principal sends the documents to the provincial education office, which contacts the interested party within 30 days of receiving the medical assessment report, terminates the work relationship and pays the allowance in lieu of notice. .

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