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How to buy a game on Nintendo EShop?

How to buy a game on Nintendo EShop?

The Nintendo iShop Nintendo’s digital platform that manages the online store of the Nintendo Switch, as well as selling all the hardware products of the Nintendo family and parts such as amoeba or consoles.

To buy something through Nintendo EShop, you have to go first Official Site Home, A notice board with the latest and most important news, including new Christmas offers, and a menu to easily view the site. Alternatively, if you want to open the Nintendo ESHAP via the Nintendo Switch, You can select the corresponding icon from the console’s home menu.

After opening the store, make sure you are properly logged into your Nintendo account and then select the product you want to buy: this way you can see all the details about the product and the downloadable content attached to it. After confirming that you want to buy the item in question, all you have to do is Continue to purchase and select the option, Select the payment method you prefer and complete the transaction.

We remind you Christmas offers are currently available on the Nintendo iShop, Which offers discounts on many Nintendo Switch titles.

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