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Hold | Astorre | Capitol only eliminates the waste problem in the provinces

Pd, Astorre: Campidoglio unloads waste problem only in provinces (Wednesday 28 July 2021)
Rome – “I share the position of left-left councilors in the metropolitan city. Rome has a vast landscape, covering major Italian cities that are unlikely to close the cycle. Waste. ““ Every time, it is unacceptable that the citizens of the province should be held accountable Waste Of capital. Add this Capitol, A few months before the election, he was careful not to settle The problem It controls itself Separate A Download TamilThe emergency is in the municipalities of the province. That’s not fair, it’s very easy. ” He writes it in a press release …Leggy Su RomaTaily News


Recent News from the Network: Astor compidoglio

Rome waste, tar albano laciel rejected suspension in terrain. What will not reopen: Lack of financial security

… where the location for the Rome landscape has not been identified, Commissioner Capitol. … Bruno called and waited Astor , Democrat senators, former M5s members Emanuel Tesse and Elena Fottori, …

Albano landscape, reopens in equilibrium. Answer: “Command is valid”

The plant was identified on the outskirts of Albano Capitol As a temporary solution … “Seven mayors confirmed their participation, Democratic Party regional secretary Bruno Astor e …
Denials, Astor: “Different is bad in Rome. The municipality does not want to solve the emergency” | Newtucia

Rome waste, tar albano laciel rejects suspension in terrain. What will not reopen: Lack of financial security

The executive court of Lazio, with a precautionary order, rejected a request by Albano Laziole Mayor Massimiliano Borelli to suspend the metropolitan city’s order.

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Albano landscape, reopens in equilibrium. Answer: “Command is valid”

Letter from Ecoambiente: “We do not guarantee opening”, responds to Metropolitan City: No problem. Residents’ protest on Saturday after TAR rejected a warning to suspend with caution …

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