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Le patron de Tesla, Elon Musk, suscite un engouement mondial.

“He’s like Mozart” … in the minds of Elon Musk’s fans

Details – The firm community of fans believes that the boss of Tesla and SpaceX will shape the future of entrepreneurs around the world and in France.

«He didn’t start from scratch, but he continues to invest in projects that progress four steps. He is a visionary.The Baptist, in training back in his thirties, discovered Elon Musk a few years ago. “I realized that he was running a lot of companies I already knewHe mentions. Among them, one stumbled upon: automaker Tesla, the aerospace company SpaceX or the tunnel construction company The Boring Company.

They are all the materialization of the little boy’s dreams. The Baptist is curious about plans, and to the man who leads them, seems a half-dominant. The story of the strange entrepreneur touches an important point within him. “J.I was unfortunate in my youth, The Baptist explains. My father died when I was 12 and my mother died when I was 16 years old. My school results fell. I was told I would never do anything in my life. From now on, I will do everything I can to prove the opposite. Elon Musk

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