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Here's how to get the autocode code to download Green Pass

Here’s how to get the autocode code to download Green Pass

The Green bass It is mandatory for most operations conducted in Italy and to work in both the public and private sectors. And for this reason the public administration is working to make greater use of this service to increase the tools available to citizens. In the last few days, a new service has been launched on the official DGC portal. Symbolic Autocode This allows you to download Green Pass in real time.

Implementing fields of application Vaccination certificate It is necessary to make some changes in the system of receiving the document. Until last July 30, the code was sent exclusively by SMS or email, but important issues are often reported in this system. In fact, if for any reason an SMS with the code is not received, the only way to receive it is to call the toll free number and ask for the operator’s support. However, from the first day required by law, you can use the website to request the code required to obtain a Green Pass. With the new order coming into effect from October 15, even first-dose recipients can get an immediate green pass (which is available within the following 24/48 hours) Wait 15 days, instead, happening now.

If you are lost or have not received a text message or email with the code, enter the homepage of the site DGC And click on the specific item “Recover your line“Fill in all the required fields and then click the reset code. A code will be generated automatically. Download Tamil Green Boss immediately, even from the same site. Quick and easy step to streamline all operations and reduce inconvenience.

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Mentioned as Italians Living abroad Like EU employees, diplomats and employees of international organizations and organizations, they do not need a codec to download their green pass. This also applies to family members of people who have been vaccinated in Italy in previous categories. They can download the Green Pass from the Dcg site, enter all the data in the required fields, and download without using autocode.