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Here are 5 easy and unusual ways to create amazing curly or wavy hair

Here are 5 easy and unusual ways to create amazing curly or wavy hair

We are never satisfied with our hair. People with straight hair like to be curly and vice versa. The main thing is that our hair is soft and shiny. In fact, to keep hair healthy, it is important not to neglect it and to take all precautionary measures.

You should not do multiple weekly washes and instead rinse them off with conditioner Nourishing masks And security. Not all hair is the same, so if we are dry or oily we have to choose different products.


Regarding Cutting, Improve appearance, hide imperfections, we identify something that fits our face. In many cases hairstyles can help to look sophisticated and beautiful, especially for certain special occasions.

For example, if we want to define curly or wavy hair without the use of straighteners and curling irons, we can use unusual techniques.

Here are 5 easy and unusual ways to create amazing curly or wavy hair

A great curly hair gives the effect of a great emotion, there are very special ways to achieve them, to change our look or define our curls in an evening. In fact, there is no need to use any tools and you can decide to do them at any time.

An unusual but still effective method is to use a simple wooden pencil. They are easy to create and you first need to separate the hair into small locks. Roll them one by one in pencil and point the hair dryer for about 30 seconds. This way we get smaller, finer and slightly swollen curls.

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We get the same result using traditional plastic or metal straw. The technique is the same, we wrap the strands around the straw and aim the hair dryer for several seconds. If our hair is particularly straight or shiny, we will prepare a little foam or a substance before any surgery.

If we want to get wavy or wavy hair, instead, we use toilet paper curls like big curls. We wrap the large dry locks and fix them with hair clips and hold a shower cap for about 20 minutes.

Foil and rubber bands

We can also use the technique of tinfoil which is often used to create highlights. However, in this case, theAluminum They seal every lock that is dry and rolled. After repeating the procedure with all the locks, we pass the hair dryer for a few minutes and put on a shower cap for at least 30 minutes.

Another idea for creating unruly curls is to use hair curlers. We dry the locks well, turn them from the tips to the bottom and fix them with elastic. Once the hair is dissolved, we shake the hair to make it bigger.

Here are 5 simple and unusual ways to create amazing curly or wavy hair that will allow you to quickly change your look.