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Heaven's Stranger Final Fantasy Origin: Ein Spin-Off Mid Possibility

Heaven’s Stranger Final Fantasy Origin: Ein Spin-Off Mid Possibility

Paradise Stranger Final Fantasy Look: An Energetic Spin-Off - Demo Mentioned

After some rumors have been circulating about the title for the past few months, Square Enix and Koi Techmo have announced “Alien of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin” Officially on E3 this year. However, to the surprise of many players, this is not the first trailer, as those in charge released the PlayStation 5-exclusive theatrical version of RPG Ozzy the same evening. We immerse ourselves in the Chaos Tower and reveal to you why the rotation of the JRPG series is definitely possible.

Returning to the world of Final Fantasy I.

In the guise of warrior Jack, we reach the building to kill the villain Chaos. Two AI friends with us, Ash and Jet, stand by our side in the fight. They are the glorious warriors of light, whose purpose should be to save the world from impending chaos.

The name already suggests: Spin-Off takes us into the world of the JRPG classic “Final Fantasy”, first released in 1987. First-hour fans can look forward not only to the familiar pieces of music and well-known names, but also to the game’s iconic venues, which once saved the square from bankruptcy. However, this version of the “FFI” world was considerably darker.

One can certainly not estimate how well the story of Action-RPG will turn out in the end, but it is an entirely interesting approach to portray this universe as too dark for purely stylistic and “ultimate fantasy” conditions, bloody. Fortunately, thanks to works like “Neo”, the responsible developers on Team Ninja already have a certain amount of experience with these types of systems. But it remains to be seen how close “Final Fantasy Look” itself will look. Template (main time travel).

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But not only in terms of its game world and its history, spin-off is based on the original, but also in terms of the game. In “Final Fantasy”, he was able to select a class for each of the four Warriors of Light, which affected his skills, weapons and equipment. The “Stranger of Paradise” pays homage to this mechanic with its working style, and gives it a twist that fits in with the remarkable action direction of the upcoming game.

Great capable combat system

We start the demo version of the game with Jack as a swordsman, and we are committed to this work from the beginning. In practice, this means that we primarily face enemies in close combat, weakening them with our large width, and finally sending them to the boards with a finisher. Two options are particularly important here, as they will ease you into the least demanding conflicts: soul breaker (if the circle button is pressed, as shown) and soul shield (press the circle button short / long).

Both systems are explained to us at the beginning in a short tutorial, and you should use them as often as possible during fights to get used to them. You should always monitor the will of the enemy and your own, because it will disappear with every victory you take. If you succeed in violating the will of an enemy, he is at the mercy of the one who breaks your soul – but this also applies to you, because if the enemy violates your will, you cannot move for a few seconds.

The above work method gives extra importance to this method. After a while, you will gain the ability to transform Jack from a swordsman to a magician at the push of a button. The sword leads to a mess, which causes considerable damage to the will of the monsters with great force. In addition, during fights (triangular button) these jobs can be changed, thus unleashing devastating combos. This gives a happy tactical hint of the “Final Fantasy Origin” combat system, and it is clear that Team Ninja can show off its strengths significantly here.

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However, you can only switch between two jobs at a time. Accordingly, you need to think carefully about how you want to set the jack. You can specify which menu you want to switch to at any given time. Your work will be fitted separately for each job. But be careful in choosing the tools that are suitable for the selected class! This is where the RPG roots of ownership come in, but they are still clearly stated that they should not categorize newcomers. As for the game, “Alien of Paradise” has great potential with all its dynamics.

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Technically more expandable

While “Final Fantasy Origin” is already credible with its gameplay, the technology of the title looks different. The writing patterns are still relatively chic, but the same cannot be said about the surroundings. There are mud, washed tissues and a visible flicker over and over again. In its first demo version, the game seems to be simply outdated from a technical point of view, and to make matters worse, it suffers from clipping errors and significant stuttering.

Additionally, sub-AI can use an upgrade. Ash and Jet were very helpful in our time with the demo, if they got into a fight. Most of the time they stayed in the background, restricting themselves to cheering on Jack, and they were so active that they often inadvertently rushed to the open knife and fell to the ground after a few seconds. In addition, we can not give them any commands, which is why they currently seem more like a block on the foot than an aid.

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In these matters, however, it is hoped that we will handle only one demo based on the initial version of the RPG operation. Accordingly, all of these weaknesses should not be exaggerated in relation to more expandable technology and, conversely, limited performance sub-AI. Since the title will not be released until 2022, there should still be enough time for Team Ninja to address these shortcomings. Also, those in charge stressed about this model version, which primarily serves to gather feedback from fans, which is why a survey was attached to it.

More about “Alien of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin”:

“Alien of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin” made us feel mostly positive. (Yet?) Aside from the very mixed technical level, the title story is very interesting and especially the work dynamics and action RPG’s combat mode undoubtedly have the potential to eventually be exploited by Team Ninja’s experienced developers.

More news The Stranger of Heaven: The Original Fantasy Origin.

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