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Green Pass can be downloaded on the "Toscana Salute" processor

Green Pass can be downloaded on the “Toscana Salute” processor

Florence (Tuscany News) You can now download Green Pass from the “Toscana Salute” app, which until now was only available on government sites and apps. This was announced by Tuscany President Eugenio Gianni. “He commented -” As the need to show digital certification and make it more readily available is increasing, we have decided to include this functionality in the processor to provide additional service to citizens. ”

Green bass

The smartphone app, which was updated and redesigned a few months ago and released last July 2nd, was therefore enriched. One click is enough to make the QR code essential for travel, to attend events, to dine at home in a restaurant or to access public facilities and places.

Since July, 45,000 new users have already downloaded the new app, appreciated for its graphics, speed and service offer (now up to twenty-four). A sign of growing appreciation. It is easy to use and those who have difficulty using it can still rely on remote assistance.

In three months, more than 205,000 people have opened the application, and among the various available ones, more than 451,000 vaccine records have been downloaded and nearly 255,000 Govt vaccination certificates, more than 500,000 reports of tests conducted at Tuscan public laboratories, and more than 45,000 service bookings are activated with the new file button.

Tell us that “these numbers – comments President Gianni – are that citizens are becoming more and more aware of the new tool and that digitalization and telematics services will make life easier for all of us, saving us time and kilometers.”

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Anyone who is unable to use the app from the phone can continue to use the Pundosi Totems and all the websites dedicated to digital health in the offices of the original districts, which can be accessed through SPID, with access to public services, health card or electronic ID card. Portals can record your health file (, a service ( or sample and laboratory tests. Code (, but stay in touch with experts and check your health without leaving home with the Television ( or electronic purse. To Celiax (