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Govit Toscana, given 6 physiological solutions instead of the vaccine

Govit Toscana, given 6 physiological solutions instead of the vaccine

Six saline solutions to replace anti-goiter vaccines as expected. This was announced by the Southeast Tuscany Local Health Authority. It took place this afternoon at the Camusia Vaccination Center in the municipality of Cordona (Arezzo), located in the Beretini / Bangrasi Gym. At the end of the morning vaccination session, staff used three ready-made syringes of the Pfizer vaccine and an empty vial for volume control (which is always diluted in a special physiological solution) with colleagues in the afternoon. Beginning of the afternoon session. In preparing the material for the session, the staff mistakenly placed the physiological dose required for dilution in an empty vial used only for the volume, instead of in the full vial.

“To accurately identify the log set of three doses already prepared, keep the empty vial, a basic element in the control operations. At this point, after administering nine doses in the number (about 45 minutes) the nurse realized the error, alerted and all operations were triggered, the Valdichiana District Director of Health And Dr. Anna Peltrono, head of the vaccination campaign, initiated all procedures to contact the nine vaccinated citizens.

“It’s important to clarify – Anna Peltrono declares – during thousands of injections and vaccinations, staff have been saying for months that this is a human error. However, this error, how our monitoring and control service works and can quickly identify a bug. Initiate immediate action where necessary. “

“We have already contacted the persons involved and explained to them what happened to them – Peltrono adds – now these individuals are undergoing a serological test to measure their existing antibodies within a week. The results of the serological test enable us to identify and modify the vaccine immediately.In addition we solve a problem that some of the validity of the Green Pass will expire if the terms of the second dose expire. We do. The second vaccine. “

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“It is clear that this is an undesirable difficulty, among other things it has happened to experienced professionals like us. The number of our vaccination efforts is enormous and unfortunately stumbling blocks can also occur.