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Google Workspace for everyone, Windows 11 blank and Android 12 without installation

Google Workspace for everyone, Windows 11 blank and Android 12 without installation

Google and Microsoft monopolized the technology scene this week. The first manufactured workspace, its package of business services, is available to the general public. The second Windows 11 leaked before being delivered on June 24th. Finally, this summer Android 12 will be packed with new features.

New Gmail interface with workspace in the app

In the Gmail mobile application, the workspace interface replaces the banner below // Source: Frontroid

Google Workspace: New Gmail is now available to everyone on the web

Initially assigned to companies, Google Workspace (formerly G-Suite) will become accessible to everyone. Individuals can also take advantage of its functionality, especially Gmail is subject to a mask for this occasion. We explain to you How to implement it on web and smartphone.

Windows 11 is confirmed and we reveal it to you

This is the biggest meeting of the week. On June 24, new windows will appear. It should be called Windows 11. As of this week, A leak in the future interface is indicated. So we took the time Install the future version and view its new features, Especially new wallpapers or Size change taskbar.

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Android 12: New functionality without the need to install the OS

ANdroid will deploy new features to hundreds of millions of users without installing Android 12. Activities for Android Auto, News, Emojis, Google Assistant and more are available through Play Services and some apps from the Play Store. From this summer, Google will be full of anti-earthquake messages, emojis or application control functions. Note also Dual tap arrival on the back of the smartphone To trigger an action, a Already on iOS 14.

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Test of the week: OnePlus North C.E.

One more on OnePlus! The Chinese company, which will soon link up with its neighbor Oppo to give birth to the Oplus, recently launched the OnePlus North Core version. His light version OnePlus North Some offers or photo on the processor for less than 300 euros is less efficient than its big brother, but much appreciated for a mid-range.

Source: Frontroid - Anthony Vonner

Source: Frontroid – Anthony Vonner