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Android 12

Google is releasing the third beta of Android 12: here is all the news

A little after a month Release of the second beta of Android 12, Google Published The third beta version of the new operating system, The standard version is expected to be released by the end of summer. In addition to the innovations introduced, some of them have been delayed for a long time, and a third beta API has been added to the final version, allowing developers to start testing applications In terms of platform stability, Is scheduled for the next beta.

There are three basic discoveries, which, along with others of lesser importance, are interesting. Let’s find out in detail what it is.

Scrolling screenshot

Stay tuned for a while on the smartphones of many manufacturers Scrolling screenshot After a quick look at the beta of Android 11, create its official look at the official version of Android. Unlike traditional functionality, which requires multiple screen shots if the screen exceeds the screen size, scrolling screen shots allow you to capture an image with full screen.

Unlike solutions implemented by other manufacturers that combine different images, Google used view to capture the entire screen: by capturing a screen shot we see the “Hold more” button that displays the entire screen, thus allowing the user to select the area of ​​the screen to save.

The new feature, thanks to the view-based interface, should work with most applications. Applications that use heavily modified interfaces, or those that do not use a visual interface, may use the Scroll Capture API, which instructs the computer to capture the screen.

The new functionality with Beta 4 should be usable with ListViews and WebViews, May own Google Chrome.

Excellent automatic rotation

Upgrade to Android 12 Beta 3 Automatic screen rotation, Using The front camera to identify the user’s face Find out more precisely when the screen needs to be rotated. This way the user should avoid spontaneous rotations while in bed or lying on the sofa. Face images are managed on the device and are never uploaded to the network due to user privacy.

At this time the functionality is only active on Pixel 4 and later, but the final version will allow you to use the new solution on all devices. Experiencing new automatic rotation animations and screen update updates, the new gesture recognition algorithms reduce delays by 25%.

Searching on device

API is new AppSearch, Its documentation has been available for several months, and its existence has already been confirmed by some analysis of the code. AppSearch a New search engine on the device, Which allows applications to encode structured data and perform searches Full text. The API supports some native features such as highly efficient scheduling, multi-language support and appropriate sorting.

A local code can be managed for applications that maintain backward compatibility with the Jet Pack App search library, and for the core code that is administered to the entire Android 12 system. In the latter case, developers withdraw consent unless Android application data can be displayed on computer interfaces.

Other News

Among other existing discoveries Android 12 Beta 3 We point to the Privacy Indicator API included in WindowsInsets, which allows applications to achieve the limits of privacy indicators and relative position on the screen, taking into account screen rotation and language settings. This way you can avoid covering important content or restrictions in high-speed mode.

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Network administrators can determine if users have access to changes that disable microphone and camera access, while apps paired with Device Manager can launch frontal services from the background, announce new permissions, and bring in new functions while maintaining transparency.

How To Download And Install Android 12 Beta 3

Android 12 Beta 3 is available for Google Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3A, Pixel 3A XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4A, Pixel 4A5G and Pixel 5. Factory image oi OTA file Per your pixel. Alternatively you can Enter the beta program This will allow you to automatically download all updates, including the final release.