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Google Chrome 88: Improved password testing

Google Chrome 88: Improved password testing

Google Chrome 88 is here: performance boost, tab search, address bar activities and more!  © Google

Chrome 88 accelerates new features.

D.He is still young for years, but Chrome developers have already worked hard on the browser. Some changes are due to the recent release Beta is known, but new: Chrome 88 is not only more powerful than previous versions, but also offers advanced and new security features. A complete overview of the new features and bug fixes can be found here Google-Blog. You can find the latest versions of Windows, Mac and Linux in the Downloads section of System Build:

Google Chrome 88: Easily change advanced password verification, compressed URLs and many more insecure passwords: Clicking the button will take you directly to the relevant page.  © Google

Change insecure passwords easily: Clicking the button will take you directly to the relevant page.

Chrome 88: Improved security features

The Password check Chrome will notify you immediately if you use an insecure password. Chrome 88 offers even more service and adds a button to this notification Change Password Added. One click takes you to the relevant website of the provider or service for which you created a password. Depending on how the destination page is planned, in the best case you will go directly to the corresponding change field, so you only have to type the new password.

Further The browser warns Now with a main fullscreen page Before entering the data through the encrypted link. This is especially true for galaxies loaded on the page with corresponding form fields in a more encrypted form, but the included data must then be sent unencrypted. In this case, it’s a bad phishing scam. To continue the process, you need to click on the corresponding button. Chrome takes even more drastic measures against downloads via encrypted links: Related images, videos, music files and text documents are blocked without exception.

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Chrome puts an end to long URLs

Google puts an end to long URLs – at least for some users: they look at the address bar instead of the full address Compressed URLs onlyIt ends after the domain name and country code. If there are no problems and the user reactions are not very severe, this functionality should gradually come to all users in future versions. No one needs to do without it: Clicking on the address bar shows the full URL. You can turn off the summary using the corresponding input in the context menu.