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Golden Eye 007: Canceled Xbox Remaster's Long 4K60 FPS Game Video |  Xbox One

Golden Eye 007: Canceled Xbox Remaster’s Long 4K60 FPS Game Video | Xbox One

Although we recently mentioned the James Bond game created by Io Interactive, the famous secret agent is again described in a certain way today. In fact, it was through a long sports video that we (re) discovered GoldenEye’s famously canceled rename.

Two hour game

If you do not know, a redesign of the Golden Eye on the Xbox 360 should see daylight. The game was meant to fly between HD graphics and the original graphics of Opus released on the Nintendo 64. Win and an online multiplayer mode and leaderboards should be a part of the game in addition to the very popular split-screen mode.

In 2008, the plan to integrate the Xbox Live Arcade service began to falter due to various operating licenses before it was finally revoked. Today, a long sports video of more than 2 hours was released on the channel Crosslu 00 Allows you to get an idea of ​​the topic. The game can be detected at 4K and 60 fps via a prototype. If you are a fan of the license, there is now a good chance you will still regret the cancellation of the game.

If you want to know more about the project and the basics of its cancellation, we can only recommend that you look at the dedicated article on the best site. Missing 64.

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