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Microsoft will soon remove the most useless Windows folders: here's how to remove them now

Get rid of the most useless folder in Windows: the little trick removes the annoying directory

Sometimes Microsoft has ideas that fail from the start. When the so-called Fall Creators Update 2017 decided to install Windows as a 3D platform for the masses, many users were right about themselves. Of course, you do not have to edit 3D models with Paint 3D. The “3D Objects” folder in Explorer that you often see in everyday life, but never use.

This special folder appears most important in the “This PC” area. It is clearly visible at the highest level of Explorer, and contains other important locations such as “Downloads”, “Images” or “Videos”. The folder is not completely removed from the system in Windows 10 21 H2, but it will disappear from “this PC”. If the folder already bothers you, you don’t have to wait until the fall update 2021.

The tricky removal is easy with the wreck file

Without the 3D folder, Explorer looks better.

Image: CIP

It would be great if Microsoft had created a simple function in Windows 10 so that users can easily define which special folders they see in the “This PC” area. But this function does not exist, so you need to dive into the registry to remove 3D objects. It’s annoying to have a difference between 32 or 64 bit Windows 10.

  • For 32 and 64 bits: Go to “HKLM SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows” on the reset path and continue hunting through ” CurrentVersion Explorer MyComputer NameSpace”. Below that there are some secret branches, remove {0DB7E03F-FC29-4DC6-9020-FF41B59E513A remove.
  • In addition to 64 bits only: Under “HKLM SOFTWARE Wow6432Node Microsoft” go to ” Windows CurrentVersion Explorer” and then to ” MyComputer NameSpace”. The same branch as shown above should be removed there.

If you do not want to make changes to the registry yourself, you can use us too Wreck files Application. Download four of them, two each for displaying and hiding the “3D objects” folder for 32 and 64-bit windows. With the “3d_folder_auszüge_32.reg” file, users of 32-bit Windows can hide the 3D folder from view. With “3d_folder_einzüge_64.reg” you will re-display the folder on the 64-bit system.

Not sure if you are using a 32- or 64-bit system? How to find out.

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