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Fire: Garbage islands and waste bins caught fire in Wells-Lichenek

Fire: Garbage islands and waste bins caught fire in Wells-Lichenek

Fire: Garbage islands and waste bins caught fire in Wells-Lichenek Lauber

A police officer was injured during the fire

Online updated from December 31, 2020 at 8:15 pm and 10:34 pm


Several fires engulfed the fire brigade in Wells-Lichenek on New Year’s Day. In the Noitsmahill settlement area, two garbage islands and two garbage cans were burned.

Emergency services have been alerted to a fire that broke out on a garbage island in Ibanstras. Garbage Island was already on full fire when the fire brigade arrived. Several windows of a nearby apartment building were already broken by the heat.
“Due to the severity of the fire, a window exploded in an upstairs apartment. Emergency services checked the apartment and nearby buildings for smoke, and were able to give everything clear. No danger was found,” the Wells Fire Brigade said.
At the same time, a garbage can could be burned on the next street and then it had to be extinguished by the fire department. Another trash can was extinguished by police patrols using fire extinguishers. An officer suffered from smoke inhalation.
Shortly afterwards another garbage island was burned with several trash cans on the same street as before.

Video series

Fire: Garbage islands and waste bins caught fire in Wells-Lichenek

Photo: Lauber

Fire: Garbage islands and waste bins caught fire in Wells-Lichenek

A garbage island was burning in Ibenstras.
Photo: Lauber

Fire: Garbage islands and waste bins caught fire in Wells-Lichenek

Photo: Lauber

Fire: Garbage islands and waste bins caught fire in Wells-Lichenek

In the immediate vicinity of Lorchenstras, a large-capacity trash can was burning at the same time.
Photo: Lauber

Fire: Garbage islands and waste bins caught fire in Wells-Lichenek

After a while the next garbage island was already burning.
Photo: Lauber

Fire: Garbage islands and waste bins caught fire in Wells-Lichenek

Photo: Lauber

Fire: Garbage islands and waste bins caught fire in Wells-Lichenek

Photo: Lauber

Photo Gallery


Presented by Matthias Labor
Created on December 31, 2020 at 8:10 pm,
Posted on December 31, 2020 at 8:15 pm,
Last updated on December 31, 2020 at 10:34 pm.