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Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2: Yoshinori Kidas wants to deliver a sequel to the players' "beyond expectations"

Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2: Yoshinori Kidas wants to deliver a sequel to the players’ “beyond expectations”

2020 has been marked by many players Final Fantasy VII remake, Currently only released on the PS4, with its temporary uniqueness lasting until April 10th. However, this is only the first part of a large-scale project aimed at describing this great adventure that saw daylight in 1997. The sequel is already in development, Tetsuya Nomura hoped more last summer Get it out as soon as possible. Undoubtedly it is necessary to wait a while before getting anything definite about it, but CEDEC + Kyushu 2020 Online This led to it taking place this weekend Text by Yoshinori Kidas and Nok Ki Hamaguchi, mentioned in this FFVII remake part 2 at this time, All from Akihiro Hino Level-5 The primary of the ceremonies.

Final Fantasy VII Remake 07 02 2020 Screenshot Key Art Wallpaper 2

This is through the English translation itaitaikimochi We learn without surprising as much as the team wants Reach the same Tour D power Mitker, But for the entire original world of FFVII, based on the experience of the players. Again, purpose tooGo beyond player expectations The exterior of the original plot is already known. We can expect the same Advanced combat system, The team members especially liked the orientation towards the action of the war.

Hamaguchi : When creating FFVIIR, we decided that the whole game would take place in Midcar, creating a realistic world within Midcar. For example, in the original game, you really had no idea what the set would look like from a slum perspective, but we were able to visualize it in the remake. In Part 2, we want to capture that kind of detail, and allow users to experience other parts of the world in the same way they did with Mitkar in the remake.

Hino (MC) : You mean the world outside of Mitkar, right?

Hamaguchi : That’s right. Unfortunately, at this point I can only reveal about Part 2.

Kitts : Those who have played the original game may know what is going on in the story and will be curious about what happens next. However, because they know the story, it gives them the opportunity to give them something they expect, which makes them think, “Oh, this is what really happened,” but not just surprises, but show them something beyond expectations. Since we already have the original game, if we can express these elements well, it can definitely become one that users can look forward to! We did in Part 1, for those who played Part 1, they already had an idea of ​​what kind of game we were creating. We want to create a game that lives up to their expectations, but breaks free for a good way.

Hino : Final Fantasy XIII Most of the map had a defined path, but in the second half of the game it opens up a larger map. I really enjoyed that feature and hope something like this happens for Part 2.

Everyone : * Laughs *

Hamaguchi : I notice!

Hino : Good.

Hamaguchi : Although I can’t really talk about the details of Part 2, there has been an interesting change between the teams. When we created Part 1, most of the staff who wanted to join our team were fans of the original game. However, new employees who want to work on the game right now are those who have played the remake and especially want to participate in Part 2. Glad to see these new employees.

Hino : For those who like the original game, do they have any specific thoughts about development?

Hamaguchi : A word that comes to mind is “Action War”. They have experienced a new kind of action combat system, and they want to contribute to that organization as well. This is a key word.

Hino : So the ideas of these employees may help to create a system of action combat?

Hamaguchi : They certainly bring different ideas, which helps us to create new surprises for the war system!

Also, when In another column From this discussion, Naoki Hamaguchi also noted that the original game was very longThey need to add elements to upcoming events to portray realistically, As done in the first part. We do not yet know how many parts will be in this massive project, so nothing is possible in this space.

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That’s for sure Square Enix Is recent Has registered many brands related to the universe FFVII, First in Japan, then in other parts of the world, whose titles may be associated with the 2nd part of the remake.

While waiting for this sequel, it provides ample time to discover Final Fantasy VII remake If this is not done yet, Amazon Currently it. Sells for 39.35.

Author VignetAlexandre Samson (Omega Law)
Responsible Correction – Writer
Addicted to Assassin’s Creed and Destiny, he is a big fan of RPGs and interested in gaming experiences in general. Comic book reader (DC) and various manga (One Piece!). A chemist by training and a painter by heart.
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