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Elections, Polls: Milan-Left trembles (even).  Download TAMIL

Elections, Polls: Milan-Left trembles (even). Download TAMIL

Elections, Polls: Milan Left-Left Tremors (Even)

Sekli Mesabica (PR), August 28, 2021 – How will the first round of executive elections in the five major cities scheduled for October 3 and 4 end? Again, how is Italy coming to the September recovery from the forefront and political perspective of the struggle against Govt-19 after the summer holidays? The study answers that Roberto Balthasari, the general manager of Lab 2110, was exclusively for La Piazza, an Afaridalioni.It show organized by Brindi’s Sekli in Mesopotamia. Download here

Management – The center-right candidate is leading in Rome Enrico Michetti, In the second position Roberto Qualteri With the Democrats Virginia Rocky, The outgoing mayor of M5S in third place and who can still count on coming to the polls. Only the fourth Carlo Calenda.

In Bologna, the center-left and M5S candidate won the first round Matteo Labor More than 50%. More than twenty points Fabio Pattistini To the right of the center.

Serious challenge in Milan between outgoing mayor Giuseppe Salah, Center-left, not front Luca Bernardo To the right of the center. About 5% Laila Bavon, 5 stars.

He is ahead in Naples Catano Manfredi, The 5 star movement and the Democratic nominee, despite winning the first round by a wide margin. In the second position Catello Maresca, The center-right, however, threatened Alessandra Clement. Only the fourth Antonio Pasolino.

The center-right candidate is leading in Turin பாலோ தமிழனோ, Separated, not much, Stefano Lo Russo Center left. M5S candidate about 10% Valentina Sanga.

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Afghanistan, Green Boss, Drake, Leader – Only 50.8% of Italians say yes to welcoming Afghan refugees, not from 49.2% of the sample. 55.7% of respondents agree with government action against Govt-19, while 65.9% of Italians agree with Green Pass. In August, confidence in Prime Minister Mario Draghi was 61.8% and confidence in the government was 54.9%. In terms of confidence, Commissioner Figliulo dropped all with 55.6%, followed by Minister Speranza (43.5%), Salvini (40.2%), Meloni (38.4%) and Conte (38.1%). Read Sixth with 36.9%. Three out of four Italians (74.8%) want to vote in 2023, at the end of the legislature, and only 25.2% in 2022. Among the parties, nationally, the league is 22.1%, Freddellie de Italia is older and reaches Pd at 19.2%. Movimento 5 Stelle was down 16.6% and Forza Italia was down 6.9%.