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Easter offers Amazon: "Mind Collection" for Nintendo Switch for 18.49 euros

Easter offers Amazon: “Mind Collection” for Nintendo Switch for 18.49 euros

Aster Angbot Amazon: “Mental Collection” To the Nintendo Switch 18.49 Euro

Mana’s collection brings together the first three titles of the Mind series into an amazing collection on the Nintendo Switch. Perfect for travel! The trilogy of mental classics is an unforgettable collection for every newcomer and current fan of the series. Recover nostalgic or fond memories as you embark on many adventures in Mana’s imaginary world. The first limited edition is available exclusively for the Nintendo Switch and comes with a special retractable cover.

Final Fantasy Adventure / Mystic Quest
That’s the title that started it all. Find your destiny and become a glorious knight and thwart the plans of the Dark Lord to control the living mental tree.

The secret of the mind
A sword. Three adventurers who can play. Eight mental seeds. Embark on the classic adventure of protecting the world and the tree of the mind from the empire.

Tests of the mind
Available for the first time outside of Japan! Run the third record in the mental series and enjoy a unique journey based on the hero you have chosen and the team you have created.

Last update on March 27, 2021 / Links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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