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Due to this error, players can easily loot

Due to this error, players can easily loot

Shortly after release Pokemon Glittering diamond And Shining pearl Pokemon, Some players have invented a trick to find hidden objects very easily. Can you talk about the error?

7th stage error

Shining Diamond Pokemon And Glittering pearls, Remakes of games released on the Nintendo DS in 2006 are now available on the Nintendo Switch from last Friday. They include the first 4 generations of Pokemon, which are very popular among players. If the reviews are very good, it may indicate the absence of a particular risk of artistic direction, as well as very little new material.

Another notable feature is that an error at the end of the game can prevent players from losing progress. This is about the 7th arena of the Freemapic game. In fact, your character can get completely stuck in the pit with snowballs, without the possibility of exiting. It is therefore strongly recommended Disable automatic cam storage and then save manually Before entering this arena.

# PokémonBDSP : Small warning, some Japanese players encountered an error in the Frimapic arena and they got stuck. We advise you to save and disable automatic storage before entering the arena.

November 20, 2021

Thanks Bingolian

Another element, fortunately less dangerous than adventure, was discovered: Tracking Pokமொmon can reveal accidentally hidden objects. On the official Pokémon subreddit, a user shared his gameplay video, Its follower Pokemon seems to be stopped in the middle of the race at the most accurate point Map, Which hides a To plunder. In the example below, the player returns to the right place and discovers his pingolion found a bottle of calcium.

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Is this a bug in the game? Users are divided on this point, some see it as a very pleasant function, while others are disappointed to see the remake deliver this “bug”. Bingolian does not seem to be the only one in this case, as another player mentions that his Rio has the same “characteristic”.

We allow you to judge for yourself Reddit page.