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Pubblica amministrazione, contratti e smart working: PDF patto innovazione lavoro pubblico

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Public administration, Contracts e Smart work: Six points of the “Agreement on the Invention of Public Works and Social Solidarity” signed by the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, And by the Minister of Public Administration, Renato Brunetta. It is an agreement signed with the unions in six articles: 2019-2021 three-year contract renewal. Correction of active work and job classification systems. Employee training, union participation organizations and contract welfare. Download the full text PDF here.

Public administration, what the contract says

The agreement establishes that “social cohesion and the creation of good jobs will be the pillars of any reform and any public investment.” Indeed, among the objectives: to recognize the central role of public administration as the “engine of growth” and the “catalyst for recovery”. “Process simplification and massive investment in human capital will help alleviate the country’s historical inequalities and treat the resulting injuries. International spread Give effective and efficient answers “. But also to evaluate employees.

Public administration, the six anointed of the covenant

Let us now look at six points of the “Agreement on the Invention of Public Works and Social Solidarity” concerning public administration.

Agreements Chapter

The government will soon issue guidelines for the resumption of the contract season, which will affect 3.2 million public servants. “The Contract updates Related to the three-year period of 2016-2021 – we read – the 2016-2018 three-year period will preserve the equilibrium components of wages already paid by the National Collective Labor Agreements. It stops being paid as a separate element of pay in the base salary. Implementing the amendment of the classification systems by allocating additional resources in the 2022 in Budget Act. He added, “In comparison, the government will identify effective legislative measures to enhance Basel’s role in decentralization.”

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Capitolo works smart

As part of the three-year public administration agreements for 2019-2021, aspects such as the protection of trade union rights, trade union relations and the employment relationship will be regulated in relation to active work. The right to disconnect, the limits of communication, the right to specific training, the right to protect personal data, etc. But the leave and absence rule and employment relationship and every company of the contract arrangement.

Personnel Classification and Training

Through the 2019-2021 contracts, a review of the professional discipline of employees will be carried out, adapting the contract discipline to the requirements of new professional and skills. A wide range of training policies will be designed to address information technology and digital skills and specific advanced professional skills.

Participation and contract welfare

So the sub-bargaining role will be enhanced. Adopting union participation methods will facilitate sustainable dialogue processes between parties and improve innovative tools for organizational participation.

In addition, contract welfare agencies will be implemented, representing parental support and the expansion of public employment of tax concessions already granted to the private sector for supplementary pensions and bonus systems.