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Download Super Green Pass: Where and How is here

Download Super Green Pass: Where and How is here

What are the differences between Super Green Boss (or Enhanced Green Boss) and Base? How to get the first and second? Should a recipient of a Green Pass from Vaccine or Recovery download another before the further enhanced certification comes into effect?

How do super green bass (also known as enhanced green bass) differ from “basic” bass?
The first is obtained by vaccination or only after recovery from Covit-19, the second is given with the negative result of swap, which is the molecular and rapid antigenic (guide here. Everyone has used green until December 6. To access the workplace, to go into a restaurant or bar house, to go to the stadium, cinema or theater , Airplane, high-speed train, boat, but the pass to go to university The Green Govt-19 certificate is a tool that has been used and known for many months.

What will happen from today?
Green bass that those who have been vaccinated for at least two doses and those who have recovered from Govt disease will already become “super green bass”.
If we have a Green Pass vaccine or a certificate of recovery from Govt’s disease from December 6, we will continue to use it to go to public places.
What changes (not for citizens, but for Green Certificate verifiers) QR code verification moment: VerificationC19 Processor – having read the valid information of the Green Pass scanned so far – should do this. Also read whether the vaccine is certified by cure or by swab. Where access is granted only with Super Green Pass, the apps will report and exclude “basic” green passes obtained through Swap.

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How do you download

Super Green Pass is downloaded just like we have done so far: at the end of the second dose (or third, for those who have already completed the vaccination cycle) or when the doctor gives us a certificate of recovery, an SMS will be sent from the website or authorization code to download the certificate from the Immuno processor . Alternatively, the pass can be found directly in the IO app (even if someone did not receive the code).

How to recover code
There is a section on the website for retrieving the code independently. It is necessary to indicate the tax code, the last 8 digits of the health card, the green pass (vaccine, tampon, recovery) and the date. So everyone who does not have Io App, Immune or Electronic Health Record can retrieve their Green Pass independently.