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Download Impots.gouv APK for free on Android

Download Impots.gouv APK for free on Android

Do you want to pay your taxes easily and flexibly? The Directorate General of Public Finance has designed the Impots.gouv application to help you achieve this. Thanks to it, you will fulfill your legal obligations and know your tax status in just a few clicks. You no longer have to travel or perform these administrative rituals. Focus on this application that will be most useful in your life as a citizen.

impots.gouv Android


Download impots.gouv for Android

Notes: ★★★ (19602 votes) | Finance

Release 3.4 | Developer Directorate for Public Finance | Updated on 01/02/2022

Requirements: 5.0 or later

what is that ?

Simply put, it is an application created by the government that gives you the opportunity to pay your taxes. Set up after the named official site, which will ease the relationship you have with your tax obligations. Among other things, the site allows you to consult your management documents. Do you want to file your tax return soon or do you want to get information about your property taxes? This will happen at Impots.gouv.

Management is already in the era of digitization so you can pay your taxes directly by giving thanks for it. Finally, you will have a history of your recent transactions and access to your Citizen profile.

With Impots.gouv, you have a full range of options. By downloading the application, you will save yourself the hassle of waiting for hours to pay your taxes and going back and forth.

Easy to use and easy to support application

Impots.gouv is an easy-to-use application. In fact, the interface has been redesigned. It has made its appearance easier so that everyone can read the name of the various topics. So, once you go to identify yourself, you will have fluid and ergonomic options. This service is specially designed to go directly to the menu you want in just a few clicks. Available on both smartphone (Android and iOS) and tablet, its handling is simple regardless of the medium.

At the home screen level you will have only 5 options, if any of them require special attention, the notification will be in red as in social networks.

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What can I do to keep it?

After you log in to the app, you will have 5 main menus directly. These are the categories:

  • Documents
  • Payments
  • The tax is suspended
  • Automatic notification
  • Profile

Consulting your tax documents

You can view all your tax documents by clicking on “Documents”. This is convenient because all your files are centered and at your fingertips. You no longer have to search a lot of documents at state offices. Alternatively, these documents can be downloaded directly in PDF format. Thus, you can pay your home tax or pay your tax account through your smartphone. If your tax documents are at least three (3) years old, you should be able to access them.

Verification of your exclusions at source

You have the “Exemption Tax” menu dedicated to paying your income tax. This is an option that allows you to see the rate of direct debits you have to pay. Here, the mode of contribution varies according to your personal situation: employee, self-employed or retired. Without apps, you need to figure out where some of your income will come from. Thanks to Impots.gouv, a few clicks will suffice to verify exceptions. All you have to do is prepare yourself financially.

Pay your taxes

This is the very effect of this application. In fact, pay your royalties directly to the company through your smartphone or tablet. To do this, click on the “Charges” menu. Note that only those who have a bank account established in the SEPA zone developing countries can pay their taxes online. Are you going to contribute this way for the first time? To do this, you need to access your personal space. Then fill out the form on the Internet, specifically with your bank details.

If you have already processed the application, you will need to submit a payment order and your information will be pre-filled directly.

Question of tax return

As an additional option to the previous option, you can click the “Income Notification” menu to declare your income tax. If your profile has not been updated recently, this process is done very quickly (in seconds). You can check the pre-filled form with all your personal information. If you have changed your tax status, you should go directly to

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Did anyone say it was an automatic report?

In some cases and especially if you have not changed any information recently the tax notice can be done automatically. To do this;

  • You need to install Impots.gouv and identify yourself to your specific location.
  • Then, you need to flash your line number. If you do not know what it is, it will be in the left column of the first page of your tax return.
  • Then press “Automatic Notification”
  • Check the information displayed on the screen
  • please verify
  • You can download your report if you wish

Access to payment history

Because the government database is so large, it provides taxpayers with access to its payment history. You can see this summary in the “Block Line” section of your personal space. Click on the option associated with the history of your direct debits. If you are looking for a job, you know about the amount deducted by your employer or Pôle Employ. Contributions to the state, especially contributions to prepaid families, are also known here.

Updating your profile

Finally, the “Profile” option allows you to create a user profile. You must fill in everything that is mandatory, such as your title and your mailing address. Your personal data will be sent to the application. However, do not worry, they will be safe.

How to register?

Registration is done quickly, but you need some information, including your online access number, your tax number and your tax return. First, you can see it on the first page of your tax account. It changes every year, so it needs to be updated accordingly. As for your reference income, you can find it in your tax return in the “Note” section.

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If you are not subject to this last line, you should contact the Federal Public Finance Department to verify your identity. The same procedure applies in the absence of a tax number.

Once you have this information, select the email and password you want to link to your account. Confirm by clicking on the link sent to you in the email you receive. Behold, your record is finished. Save the credentials next time.

What are its latest features?

Impots.gouv has many interesting options.

Extended Terms of Payment : Some news that makes some taxpayers laugh. In fact, thanks to this application, not only will your payments be simplified, they will also be subject to longer delays. You are not like the traditional taxpayers. By using Impots.gouv you will benefit in a few extra days to contribute to social fees, practical, or not?

Biometric authentication system : With this application, your data will be secure. Additionally, the way to connect with Impots.gouv is easy. Thanks to facial recognition or recognition at the level of your fingerprint, you can recognize it directly. You do not have to enter your tax number and password each time.

Verification of your automatic notification : When the tax return campaign opens, you can see it directly. This is especially possible for those who have completed it correctly.

English translation : Finally, the latest feature is about the automatic translation option. You can have an English version of all your tax documents. This would be most effective if there were ongoing practices with Anglo-Saxon countries.

What are your thoughts on Impots.gouv?

Impots.gouv has received a lot of positive feedback regarding its practicality and ease of use. However, the application is frequently updated when various errors occur. Recently, a good number of taxpayers have not been able to connect to the site. This will only be a temporary bug fixed in the new version of February 1, 2022.