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Download all of the mayors and principals in schools

Download all of the mayors and principals in schools

The governor confined himself to accepting the terms of the TAR and washed his hands of the procedures for returning to the benches.

of Giancarlo Tommason

Re-entry plan between desks that are not there. What the Campania region should be ready for months is instead lost in the maze of immobility and in rooms ruled by supporters of distance education. Tar thought of reopening the schools, which was rejected in practice Written by Luke (For the same reasons Stylo24 Already investigated). But the governor confined himself to accepting the rules of the court as slavery; Leaves the thorny decisions regarding the organization and dissemination of the guidelines to others, instead of the decisions to refer to the Palazzo Santa Lucia.

De Luca has handed it all over to the mayors and school leaders. However, at this point we ask ourselves: When a critique of an epidemic in an educational institution arises, with what criteria can a local administrator decide whether or not to close that school? The answer is simple: total chaos as it already happens. This is because individual mayors act differently from municipality to municipality, navigating visually and autonomously, without any public route indicated by the region.

For example, it may happen – As it happened – In a school with 15 positive students, the entire audience is affected by a rag, the rooms are cleaned and then reopened a few days later. On the contrary, it can happen – It has happened in the last few hours -, in the face of two affected couples, the principals, in agreement with the local administrators, decide Short Close, isolating all students. Naturally, in this case, we face the apparent inequality of education in treatment and exercise of entitlement. Now, in Campania, there is no longer discrimination by the region (as it did before the end of the TAR), but by local authorities.

This is precisely the last question that de Luca plays in the role of Pontius Pilate, Because the governor – among others, assisted in the work of the elusive crisis unit – did not even mention an Rt to close schools. He washes his hands on the parameters he has to accept, loads the decision-making burden on local executives, and in many cases does not want to feel the pressure of parents and pro-principals, and without half-measures, pure populists, ready The Disabling Artificial. On this front, in the regional council, the leader of the Lega, intervened in the last few hours Gianbio Jeansy, Who recorded the question addressed to the Councilor for Education, Lucia Fortini, Through which he seeks clarification on the reopening of second-class secondary schools.

The question reads in a note, Begins with some vague points found in the decree of President Vincenzo de Luca ordering the resumption of artificial operations in the presence after the tar was announced. In particular, the directive entrusts school managers with the task of determining ‘specific circumstances’ without providing references. One situation, according to Carocio’s layer, needs to be clarified soon, because “in a few days students, children, parents and school administrators will return to the classroom in uncertainty. Any protocol otherwise issued by the ministry dated August 24.” Some data missing – adds jeans – School managers do not know on what basis to plan any resumption of teaching for more than 50% “.

There are many more: it should be emphasized that the Palazzo Santa Lucia does not even provide guidelines for transportation, Familiarity with the obsolete status of structures, mechanisms and critiques across the field, and critiques that condemn approximation from a purely administrative point of view. But back to Dad, there are a considerable number of boys who are in Campania – for the reasons we have already pointed out – are not even connected to follow the lesson now Streaming.

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All of this, in a dramatic result announced by distance education in Campania – which is causing a lot of damage to students, both in terms of production and social relations – this month, de Luca and the Science and Technology team (We do not reiterate this, it is guided by a geologist), Did not bother to rearrange the return of students between desks.

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He didn’t bother to set up There are no guidelines for reopening schools, which are widely rejected, Because last July, the Governor of Campania announced that educational institutions in mid-September, In our region, would certainly be open. De Luca did not even bother to arrange antigen tests for students. ASL executives instead of vaccinating – as previously announced Stylo24 – Why does the governor not have a vaccination program for schools?