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Does anyone see your WhatsApp account?  There are 5 ways to find out

Does anyone see your WhatsApp account? There are 5 ways to find out

Did your WhatsApp account get stolen and don’t know how to do it? Most importantly, do you want to know if this is already happening without you knowing? There are 5 ways to find out

Notify friends and family immediately

Not happy to find it Your WhatsApp account is being used by someone. The first thing to do if you have the slightest doubt Inform friends and family immediately If they receive messages in the chat, let them know that you did not send them. That would be really interesting Stop communications Focus on solving the problem immediately.

Content shared on WhatsApp is visible They are encrypted from end to end And messages end up in your mobile archive. For this reason, no one who accesses your account from another device will be able to access your previous conversations. This is a small consolation, but what to do to find out if someone is already doing it?

Our life on WhatsApp

WhatsApp has taken place in practice Classic phone calls and text messages. Today we send voice, photos, video calls, in short, this application tells our whole life, not to mention Password Maybe sometimes, we can slip up.

That’s why if someone steals our account, That would definitely be a problem I smiled. There are 5 simple steps To find out if we are victims “Digital identity thief“. Follow these steps:


Focus on the messages you send. Keep an eye on them Located at the bottom of the list Chat because they are less used and therefore more suspicious. Sometimes we find conversations that do not happen in the slightest.

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Start checking regularly Your profile information. If someone had taken your account, they would have changed something starting with the name, status, and chin, photo in that area.

Official Communication

If you happen to receive text messages on your mobile with official information, read them carefully. It is possible A site that alerts you Your account has strange behavior.


please verify List of your friends And make sure the names of strangers, unknown faces or so-called “ghost” contacts are not empty and suspicious without photos. Remove them and keep only your real contacts.


Even if you do not use the WhatsApp web often, keep in mind that there may be someone Link to that site to enter your profile. Always check the application settings by checking the number of devices enabled and the active sessions.

In the end, here’s what to do Recover your account: Sign in to WhatsApp with your phone number and enter the 6 digit code you receive via SMS and verify. Upon entering 6 digit SMS code, The person using your account will be automatically logged out.