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Do not download this fake version, dangerous malware is hidden there

Currently, the full version of CCleaner Pro is available for download on many pirate sites. Avoid downloading it at all costs as it contains malware capable of stealing your passwords and bank information.


Security Expert Avost Alarm: Currently, The alleged theft version of CCleaner Pro Has been circulating all over the internet. Do not download and install. Avast wants to prevent you from installing pirated software.

No, this is actually a questionable version of CCleaner Pro, which is totally non-existent. Pseudo-stolen software actually steals the user’s personal data, especially those related to cryptocurrencies (but not only …). The malware has been found in France, Brazil, India and Indonesia.

Read more: Windows Defender now considers CCleaner as an unwanted application

The pirated version of CCleaner Pro has one of the worst malware at the moment

To lure Internet users into the web, hackers have released a large number of pirated versions of CCleaner Pro for Windows. Title “CCleaner Pro 6.00.9727 Crack Full License Key (Latest 2022)“, Or variant, this version offers to hack the paid version of PC cleaning and optimization software. Look for classic hosts on sites that download this plagiarized version, such as or

Then the user uploads a ZIP file Password protected (this is boldly specified on the download page, not to be missed). Avoid being diagnosed with antivirals. Once the file is unzipped, it will end up with a classic executable named “setup.exe” or “cracksetup.exe”.

This is where the malware comes into play: once installed on the victim’s computer, it can Information stored in a web browser can be stolen, Although it is a mass term, is the recorded data related to credit card cryptocurrencies. And it does not stop there, because it can also store clipboard data related to transactions, replace it with its own information, and thus divert cryptocurrency addresses. Whether it is Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano or Terra, everything goes and nothing can be resisted.

ccleaner Fake crack malware
Screenshot Credit: Avast.

Malware also uses proxies to steal usernames and passwords associated with cryptocurrency. Thus a new key is added to the registry HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Internet Settings. An almost undetectable attack on the user.

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According to Avost, this new distribution campaign is widespread enough to be considered too risky. To protect against this, Avast recommends not downloading pirated software, even if it is high on Google’s search engine.

Source: Avast