Famous YouTube Call of duty Drift0r recently released a new video that exposes a major and revolutionary stumbling block that allows Warson players to spend more time in “boat games”.
After Drift 0R previously claimed on Twitter that he had discovered “something worse than DMR-14” in Warson, a new video reveals that he certainly did not exaggerate.
In fact, according to its new video, a new Warson glitch allows players to enter relatively simple games.
“Two-thirds of the time” he said he was able to get down to “very easy, boat games” and the rest of the time he goes to games that are not filled with bots, but they are less qualified than normal.
This new stumbling block allows Warson players to enter into much simpler games.
« You have not removed SBMM Said Drift0r, ” But you actually go the other way, you go back from that system and you get new players who don’t know what’s going on. “
Some of the results shown in the video are quite astonishing. One of the drift 0R games would have averaged 0.79 k / d among players.
As for the mechanisms of this glitch, Drift 0R does not want to explain how to do it because it will destroy the game.
YouTube also revealed that it sent all the information about this key issue to Activation before the video was uploaded, so they can take care of it and fix the game.
All that is left now is to hope that Warson’s developers will take care of the problem and fix it soon.
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