Days passed 2 Looks like it was Deleted, Or in any case it seems that this project is not approved by Sony, is interested in focusing on the most successful topics in its blockbuster policy, but no question Not confirmed or denied From Director Jeff Rose, Bloomberg was questioned about giving his “suspicious” activity in the social sphere following the revelation.
According to a recent investigation by Bloomberg journalist Jason Schreier, Days Con 2 will be rejected by Sony, which will keep Bent Studios working on another game and support the remake of The Last of S. While the first episode was particularly well-received by the general public, the film will not have the numbers to add a sequel to Sony’s blockbuster strategy, according to the film.
This issue immediately triggered a chorus Protests From many fans, they would like to see Days 2 made instead. In all of this, over the past few hours, Jeff Rose, co-director of the game, has proven to be very active on the social front by retweeting or appreciating the tweets of various individuals who have expressed support. Bent Studio And support the reason for the end of the days.
Rose’s behavior seemed to confirm what was going on in the Bent studio, according to Schreier’s statement, the director wanted to state his position, in fact a “No comment”: “Hello everyone, thank you for showing this support. I could not confirm or deny anything, so if I put a Like in some tweets, I read the messages, appreciate them, nothing else. I love it!”
This is what Rose wrote Tweet, Which proves to be very accurate and consistent, and manages to quietly exit the ongoing controversy. Of course, a “no opinion” on this matter can be explained in some way Confirmation The view from Schreier’s article is that selecting Sony did not work on Bend Studio Days Con 2, but we are still in the field of speculation. We can add truth to this Rose Bent left the studio Practically together with John Corwin, the author of several scripts for the team, this point may be part of the vision of a particular friction between the team in question and Sony.
However, we remind you that Days Con is coming to the PC this spring as the first title of the new set of Sony games on the Windows operating system.
“Avid writer. Subtly charming alcohol fanatic. Total twitter junkie. Coffee enthusiast. Proud gamer. Web aficionado. Music advocate. Zombie lover. Reader.”
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