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Defects in MediaTek chips allow spying on third-party Android smartphones

Defects in MediaTek chips allow spying on third-party Android smartphones

Malicious apps, if you have an Android smartphone with a MediaTek chip and this device is not up to date, will unknowingly intercept your phone conversations. Security analysts at Checkpoint have uncovered a series of flaws that allow MediaTek chips to implement arbitrary encoding on digital signal processors (DSPs).

The first (CVE-2021-0673) is on the Android MediaTek driver. It is used to enhance the privileges of the application and to send IPI (Inter-Processor Interrupt) messages directly to the DSP, which is not possible in normal times.
Three vulnerabilities found in the DSP firmware (CVE-2021-0661, CVE-2021-0662, CVE-2021-0663) allow malicious code to run within this hardware component.

Find out more in the video:

The good news is that all of these flaws were fixed last October. So update the phone to be safe. For smartphones that do not benefit from technical support, on the other hand, there is currently no solution. In this case, users are called to be extra vigilant, do not download shady apps and do not support the Play Store.

Proof : Check point

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