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Dead Shell: PS5 raises the patch resolution to 1800p, but lowers the frame-rate

Dead Shell: PS5 raises the patch resolution to 1800p, but lowers the frame-rate

Death shell A game that talks a lot about itself. First, it was an attempt to reflect the complexity and gameplay of an indie development studio. Souls Issued by Software. Second, the studio was one of the first because it tried to make full use of its capabilities Xbox Series X | S. Improve the technical field of the game.

First Next gen update Introduced 60 fps on PlayStation 5 and Series X. Sony’s console, like the PS4 Pro, had to “settle” on the 1440p, while Microsoft had a nice dynamic 1800p. The choice of the cold symmetry was made to support the fluid on the resolution, while the next-gen version of Sony revealed an excellent fluidity.

With 1.000.004 for the Patch PlayStation 5 Has decided to raise the cold symmetry resolution to 1800p on its own. One decision that allowed Sony’s console to have an average higher resolution than the Series X, but it does so at the expense of fluid.

The Xbox Series X, thanks to the dynamic resolution, manages a very stable frame rate of 60 frames per second, while some drops are limited to 53 fps, while the PS5 version has 57 fps and Drop to 35 frames. For some reason the developers have decided to offer frozen resolution at a loss of performance.

Dead Shell: An upgraded version is available for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series and PC.

A death shell display
A death shell display