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"De Luca, instead of acknowledging his shortcomings, believes he is the alpha mayor, attacking others and fulfilling responsibility"

“De Luca, instead of acknowledging his shortcomings, believes he is the alpha mayor, attacking others and fulfilling responsibility”

“De Luca, instead of acknowledging his shortcomings, believes he is the alpha mayor, attacking others and fulfilling responsibility”. Messina Democrat lawyer and municipal councilor Antonella Russo wrote this on her Facebook profile yesterday, insulting Florida’s first citizen for airing her regular morning video ‘A Modo Mio …’ online the same day.

Russo added: “The usual clich and withdrawal, which has now left a lot of citizens exhausted. He replied, I am telling the truth because he attacked me, he was alone last year. But when does it refer? When he chased parts of the famous Renault 4 for weeks, he pointed out that they had brought the epidemic to Sicily.

When he changed his voice into a megaphone with the phrase: “-Iò rustu pi c … mei on Easter? -, when he issued one accidental order after another, they annulled each other and were only legally contrary to national and regional rules)?”.

When: “Did he engage in a fierce battle against the Asp of Messina, which only lasted until the dismissal of manager La Baclia?”.

Then: “Despite problems with hospital beds, distribution of vaccines, etc., nothing more? When was he left alone? As a community leader and high health officer, if he really wanted to be a role model, did he get vaccinated several months later? When was he single, when did he say he had to do Green Pass last year, when did he say that? (And no vaccines yet?) “.

When: “Was he left alone? Now? Going from town to town, from town to town? With the staff of Councils / Managers / Board of Directors of subsidiaries? Is he coming around to do the vaccine campaign? -. When was he alone? ”.

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Mayor de Luca, as Dodo says: “But please me …”.