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Criteria for Behavioral Identity Attribution in Second Grade High School: Download Templates

Criteria for Behavioral Identity Attribution in Second Grade High School: Download Templates


As per the provisions in the Ordinance-Act of September 1, 2008, the Committee of Professors is, n. 137, in Act 169/2008, Art. 2 and Ministerial Order 5 of the Chief Minister 100/2008 and 16/01/2009, in relation to the law on female students (as amended by DPR 249/98 and amended by DPR 235/07), to clarify what the activities are for student behavior assessment.

The function of evaluation

But what is the function of evaluation? In particular, it is necessary:

  • Determining the level of learning and awareness achieved, with a specific reference to the culture and values ​​of citizenship and civil coexistence;
  • Check the ability to comply with the set of rules governing the life of each educational institution;
  • Spreading awareness of students’ rights and responsibilities within the school community, exercising their rights in a proper manner and at the same time promoting behavior in accordance with their duties, which is always akin to recognizing the rights and freedoms of others;
  • Give meaning and educational value to quality even lower than 6/10.

What is an assessment and what does it mean? That’s not what it is

Behavior assessment can never be used as a tool to establish or suppress free expression of students’ opinions, express properly and without damaging the personality of others.

The assessment, as revealed in the intermediate and final study, refers to the entire length of stay in the school, as well as the interventions and educational activities carried out outside of it.

Collective evaluation

The assessment in question is jointly expressed by the class council under current law and, along with the assessment of learning, contributes to the overall assessment of the student, thus contributing to determining the average of the marks for admission purposes. State Examination and School Loan Definition (CM 46/2009)

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Overall assessment of maturity and student’s civil and cultural development

The assessment expressed in the intermediate and final study may not refer to a single chapter, but should be derived from the overall judgment of the student’s maturity and civil and cultural development in relation to the entire school year. In particular, taking into account the format and educational value that the characteristic of the code on behavior should correspond to, the Class Council takes due care and takes into account the progress and improvements made by the student during the year.

How the assessment is expressed

Behavioral evaluation is expressed in tens.

The mark for insufficient behavior (less than six tenths) is not included in the next class or is determined for the final examination of the study cycle. A rating of less than six tenths, five / four tenths, may be attributed to the conditions indicated in Art. Ministerial Order 5/4 of 16/01/2009, according to the following section:

“Adequate assessment of behavior, especially in the final analysis, should arise from the careful and meditative judgment of the Class Council, especially in the presence of alleged aggravated conduct of female students and student law – amended by Presidential Order 249/1998, Presidential Order 235/2007 and clarified by reference precedent 31. The 3602 / PO of July 2008 – as well as the school regulations – impose disciplinary restrictions that include the temporary expulsion of students from the school community for more than fifteen days (Article 4, paragraphs 9, 9 ps and 9 ter of the Society’s articles).

Not enough quality

The characteristic of inadequate quality, i.e. below 6/10, in the final analysis, without any discrimination to the autonomy of the teaching process, in relation to the assessment of the conduct, the class council presents to the student confirmation:

A) he is the recipient of any of the above disciplinary restrictions;

B) does not demonstrate appreciable and concrete changes in behavioral objectives following the imposition of educational and restructuring barriers imposed by the disciplinary system, such as demonstrating adequate progress on the path of its development and maturity with educational objectives. Referred to in Section 1 of this Order. “

Numerical rating and judgment: indicator and descriptor

In particular, during an adequate assessment, the severity of the regulatory permit (s) to be recorded in detail will be assessed, as well as the individual growth and maturity path following the permit (s). Concrete and admirable positive changes. The final quality of the deficit is with a judgment, in which for each indicator, a descriptor will appear that best matches the student’s profile and is an integral part of the voting report.

Violations and suspensions and their impact on behavioral assessment

What are violations and suspensions, and what is their impact on behavioral voting?

  • Notes and reminders;
  • Assigning activities in support of the school community;
  • Suspension from schools for up to 15 days may lead to actions in favor of the school community;
  • Suspension from subjects for serious or very serious reasons, suspension of lessons for more than 15 days.

Each company can define its own criteria

Although each company can define its own criteria, it is good to know: 7

Due to very serious events, suspension from subjects for more than 15 days, even in the presence of positive explanations, will contribute decisively to the fifth / fourth tenth vote, so state selection for those in the next class or not.

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Suspension from subjects is limited to 1 day and in any case not exceeding 15 days. Will also contribute decisively to the vote of six tenths in the presence of positive commentators and in allowing numerous references and / or actions in favor of the school community;

Having some ethical hints and tips will contribute decisively to vote in the seven tenths even in the presence of positive explanations.

Commitment is important following violations and suspensions

In the conduct of a referendum, the presence of violations and suspensions will be taken into account, as well as the determination to develop more vigilant and respectful attitudes and to avoid repeating the mistakes made and the continued commitment to sanctions and violations.

Discuss the criteria and criteria to be considered

The faculty board determines areas, indicators, and interpretations of the identity attribute for each student’s behavior. Many schools sometimes produce documents with criteria for assessing behavior, even on an annual basis. This is not just happening in high school, it really is happening. Lysசோbilo Albertelli et al., In Rome, under the direction of Professor Antonio Wolf, Editor-in-Chief, has prepared an important document containing “Criteria for the attributes of reading marks”, which refers to an easy-to-read document. Another excellent stage was proposed by Toronto’s Arcida State High School, with the school manager professor with excellent professionalism and skill. Professor Francesco Urso.
