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Chrome 89 has arrived, announcing a significant increase in Google performance

Chrome 89 has arrived, announcing a significant increase in Google performance

Chrome 89 is now available on all sites supported by Google. The browser is provided with significant performance enhancements according to its release specification.

Search company Chrome has released a new version. Chrome 89 comes with many updates. They should improve the overall performance of the browser. For example, PartitionAlog, the company’s memory allocation solution, is alienated to lower performance, improve efficiency utilization, and improve security. In the end, this small world makes it possible to improve the strength of the application by 22% under Windows.

In the rendering issue, the memory space saving is 8% and the GPU performance is 3%. More generally, Chrome 89 is 9% more responsive.

Google explains

“Not only are we improving the way we allocate memory, Chrome is now smarter about its use. (…) Chrome reduces MacOS ‘memory tracks in the background tabs, which we have been doing on some platforms and on other platforms. We see 8% memory storage or in some cases over 1GB! ”

Chrome on MacOS and Android

Performance improvements are also announced at Magos. The “Apple Energy Impact” score improved by 65%, thanks to the very appropriate management of the tabs in the background. Suddenly Magos gets environmental resources, but only if the browser works through the many available tabs.

The same improvements have been featured on Android. Google Chrome is improving its memory usage by 5%, initially its speed is 7.5%, according to the gains of stability. A 2% increase in load speed has been reported.

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All of these improvements are now available with the latest versions of the Chrome 89 browser.