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Le gestionnaire de mots de passe de Google Chrome est capable d’évaluer si les sésames sont suffisamment forts pour résister aux piratages. © Pixabay, AbsolutVision

Chrome 88 lets you strengthen your passwords with a single click

Since passwords are sometimes easy for hackers to break, the latest update to Google Chrome makes it much easier to verify and validate them.

Everyone knows that using the same sesame for all your accounts is a terrible idea, but it is still a common practice. So the memory should not be cluttered with many things Passwords The problem is, there are executives Passwords, As Lost Boss For example. They can memorize all the sesame and can even create strong auto. This is usually an extension installed in the browser.

Users Google Chrome can do without it Paste, The latest version 88 of the browser, strengthens password management functions. This new function can be approached in two ways. By right-clicking on your user profile icon in the upper right of the browser and clicking on the wrench icon. You can type it directly into the address bar “chrome: // settings / password” to display it.

Integrated Password Generator

As long as Chrome is already set up to save passwords, the update can test whether they are strong enough not to be hacked. To do this, click the “Verify Passwords” button. This button displays a list of passwords and links that Chrome has weakly detected, so you can change them directly. If you are not impressed, you can ask Chrome to do them. Create. Finally, Google can indicate whether some of your identifiers are in databases Theft Of sites. To take advantage of this update, you need to right-click on the three exaggerated dots, select “Help” and then select “About Google Chrome” in the submenu.