Paradise is the stranger of the ultimate imaginary origin Issued last June and immediately became famous for a description: CHAOS !! The word chaos is often and with considerable significance, especially when the protagonist is directly controlled by the player. “Confusion” then became a MeemBut the developers were not happy about that.
Speaking to The Camera, the producer of Final Fantasy Origin of Stanzer of Paradise – Jin Fujiwara said: “There were a lot of mysteries around the game, we could not give much, but based on the overall plot, Chaos goes to the temple in search of Chaos, defeats Chaos, and becomes confusing. Inevitably when you interpret the word conspiracy “Confusion“It comes often. He didn’t really think it would cause a very strong reaction: it’s a little unexpected. Obviously we did not particularly like it. But looking back now, it could have had a slightly positive impact. It did. People were more interested in the game. The way is better. ”
In other words, they would have liked a different reaction, but in any case it was better than anything. At least, in this way, Paradise is the stranger of the ultimate imaginary origin Is on the internet and many have figured out what it is.
The second test phase is currently underway: a video comparison showing graphical improvements. Also, here is our test of the stranger of paradise final imagination.
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