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Case de Monte - ulcers, Pd complaint comes to auditors court, but Ricardi unloads at company ... Strangers and Distracted - Friulisera

Case de Monte – ulcers, Pd complaint comes to auditors court, but Ricardi unloads at company … Strangers and Distracted – Friulisera

I was not there, I would have been asleep if I had been there. ”This is basically the usual response of Commissioner Ricardo Ricardi to the Eighteenth Amendment on the issue of appointing Amato de Monte as head of wounds. Today’s novelty is the filing of a complaint with Regional Council Committee Chairman Diego Moretti in the audit court of the PD Regional Council Committee “since there are no political offices, we have a last-ditch effort to clarify this matter”.
Last May, the Friulian physician was the director of anesthesiology and resuscitation in Amato de Monte, Udin. An extraordinary order indicating ulcers was indeed suspended – without withdrawing it – “bankruptcy procedure for coverage of the same post” The appointment of DD Diego Moretti, Chairman of the PD Committee at the Regional Council, and Councilor Maria Giorgio Santoro, who referred to the hypothesis of tax damages, was recommended In the light of abilities it can not be explained lesions. “The report to the Auditor’s Court is not a verdict on de Monte’s professionalism, Democrats noted, or it does not want to be an administrative offense. However, Oi represents a political condemnation. In normal competitions, the health of the FVG is enriched, but epidemic management, as well as more well-known, is the manifestation of the 5-star movement in the number of locations in intensive care, in addition to the many questions in the region and nationally.Remembered last August, researchers sent by Minister Speranza came from Rome and shared their findings The results are not yet known. Reaffirms the management of the company. “

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