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Call for projects: "Insertion dynamics"

Call for projects: “Insertion dynamics”

This call for projects aims to support functional activities that allow for growth in the Paris region of activities common to integration structures through economic activity (SIAE) by promoting the dynamics of networks.

The investment cost of the candidate structure is ineligible.

Applicants can apply for an operational grant for all of these activities for between 5,000 and 25,000.

Files are provided in dematerialized format only ParisAsso (Even for companies without subsidiary status).

Details of documents to be provided and methods of sending the application file are mentioned In the candidate file (Download below).

If your company is not listed on Paris Asso, you should create your account immediately. You can then submit your application file to Paris Asso, specifying in the invite section for projects Number: DYNIAE22

Deadline for submission of applications: June 2, 2022.

Only complete applications submitted in a timely manner will be considered.

The city of Paris provides consistent support for the emergence and structure of the Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS). This economy, with beneficial effects and strong regional ties, creates jobs for all, but also promotes social innovation.

Economic Action Coordination (IAE) has been recognized in many cases, especially within the SSE, as a means of encouraging the return of far-flung individuals to work. Court of AuditorsOne of the most effective.

Targeting individuals experiencing social and professional issues, it provides the most positive results:

By 2020, in Paris, 57% of those who dropped out of IAE study were referred to as Dynamic Exit, mainly those leaving for employment or training.

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The City of Paris seeks to support integration structures through economic action (SIAE) in ensuring the integration of Parisians by promoting their joint activities and training under one or more networks. .

A set of reflections and actions by integrated actors appears to be a means of improving their spending, exchanging their experiences and skills, or setting up innovative projects.

Eligible structures:

The investment cost of the candidate structure is ineligible.