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BDESE Environmental Data: What the employer should have available to you

Over the past few months, your work has improved as you have to consult on the environmental implications of the company’s operations. In the absence of a contract, the information to be provided to you by BDESE has been corrected by order. The BDESE project is in development.

New BDESE project

Articles R. 2312-8 and R. 2312-9 of the Labor Code rewriting the exact content of the BDESE. A 10And
There appears to be a section dedicated to the environment with the following 3 subdivisions:

  • Public environmental policy;
  • Circular economy;
  • Climate change.

Conversely, the subdivision dedicated to environmental information in the investment division for companies with at least 300 employees will disappear.

Even in subheadings, changes should be noted. For example, based on a professional development interview, the employer should inform you about the administrative tests that will be carried out on the applicable contribution for non-compliance with the obligations.

We recommend downloading a table summarizing important information from BDESE:

New environmental information was provided to selected officials

The content of the 3 new subdivisions will vary depending on whether your company has more or less than 300 employees and whether or not it is subject to additional financial performance notice.

1D. Status: Your company has less than 300 employees. Article R. 2312-8 Your employer should provide the following information:

General environmental policy

Organization of the organization to take into account environmental issues and environmental assessment or certification practices where applicable

Circular economy

Prevention and Management of Waste Production: Assessing the amount of hazardous waste defined in Article R. 541-8 of the Environmental Code and subject to the issue of the sheet referred to in Article R. 541-45 of the same Code;

Identify direct greenhouse gas emissions produced by stationary and mobile sources for company operations (commonly referred to as “Scope 1 emissions”) and evaluate the amount of these greenhouse gas emissions when the company has this information

Climate change

Article of the Environmental Code l. Report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions issued by 229-25 or Simplified Report issued by Section 244 of the Act 29 2020-1721 of December 29, 2020, 2020 21 Required balance sheets for various companies on funding for 2021

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Scenario 2: Your company has at least 300 employees and is subject to non-financial performance declaration. Here is the information you need to find in your BDESE:

General environmental policy

R. of the French trade mark. Environmental information is provided in accordance with 225-105 II to II 2 degrees.

Circular economy

Prevention and Management of Waste Production: Evaluating the amount of hazardous waste defined in Article R. 541-8 of the Environmental Code and subject to the issue of the sheet referred to in Article R. 541-45 of the same Code

Climate change

Article of the Environmental Code l. Report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions issued by 229-25 or Simplified Report issued by Section 244 of the Act 29 2020-1721 of December 29, 2020, 2020 21 Required balance sheets for various companies on funding for 2021

Scenario 3: Your company has at least 300 employees and is not subject to non-financial performance declaration. Here is the information given:

General environmental policy

Organization of the organization to take into account environmental issues and environmental assessment or certification practices where applicable

Circular economy

Prevention and Management of Waste Production: Assessing the amount of hazardous waste defined in Article R. 541-8 of the Environmental Code and subject to the issue of the sheet referred to in Article R. 541-45 of the same Code;

Sustainable use of resources: water consumption and energy consumption

Climate change

Identifying direct greenhouse gas emissions produced by fixed and mobile sources for the company’s operations (commonly referred to as “Scope 1 emissions”) and evaluating the amount of these greenhouse gas emissions when the company has this information;

The simplified estimate provided by Article L. 229-25 of the Environmental Code or Article 244 of Act 2020-1721 of December 20, 2020 2021 is an estimate of greenhouse gas emissions for companies that need to draw these balance sheets.

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If your organization has the information it needs, but this information is not calculated at the company level, but at the companies or group, it should insert this information into the BDESE. By adding additional details to keep environmental issues in perspective at the company level.

Keep in mind that the environmental implications of a company’s operation are a matter of public order that cannot be negotiated. On the other hand, the information to be included in this matter, as well as all provided for in the Labor Code Articles R. 2312-8 and R. 2312-9, may be the subject of a collective agreement. In the absence of a majority organizational agreement or union representative, the content of the BDESE agreement between the employer and the CSE was approved by a majority of full members.

Our solution BDESE Online Is already in renewal with the order; Do not hesitate to talk to your employer about it.

We provide you with the complete file on BDESE Terms with all new features.

Order No. of April 26, 2022. 2022-678 Environmental Indicators to be Included in the Economic, Social and Environmental Database (BDESE) and Official Journal of Economic, Social, Environmental and Trade Union Training, 27

Anne-Liz Castell

Lawyer in Social Law and author of Tissot editions

Montpellier’s Faculty of Law 2 holds a degree in DPRT and specializes in social law. In legal writing. Within the Disode versions, iI participate in animation …