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Beware of this fake message

Attention! Worm Spreads on WhatsApp: Check out this message

Security experts are currently warning about malware spreading through the WhatsApp Messenger service. However, not all smartphones are equally vulnerable to attempted fraud.

Owners of Android smartphones should be wary of new malware spreading via the popular messenger service WhatsApp. “Download this app and win the smartphone” is the message that Android users are currently receiving. Victims are redirected via a link to a fake Google Play Store where they have to download a malicious application.

According to I’s experts.D. Security Company However, ESET is a malware that cybercriminals use to generate fraudulent revenue. However, experts say it cannot be ruled out that the application will be used for spying or data theft.

The worm spreads messages automatically

I say “malware spreads through the victim’s WhatsApp and automatically responds to any incoming message with a link to a fake and malicious Hawaii mobile app”D. Security Specialist Lucas Stefano.

If you try to install the app, you will be asked to allow non-existent apps to be installed from the official Google Play Store. The application asks the user to provide access to notifications. “This allows malware to respond to each message with a customized response,” explains Stefanako. As a result, the malware continues to spread like a worm via WhatsApp.

Malware runs in the background. If a WhatsApp notification appears, malicious links will be sent to the victim’s contacts.

To protect you from malware, IIT consultants, Only download apps from the official Google Play Store and do not click on suspicious links.

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