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Assessment of students with special educational needs.  Download Evaluation Table Template

Assessment of students with special educational needs. Download Evaluation Table Template


According to Art. The Board of Directors agrees that the Order of the Minister of Legislative Order 62/2017 dated 27 December 2012 and the Principal n.8 of 6 March 2013, n.8 for students with disabilities are closely related to IEP and are aimed at highlighting. And record student progress according to initial level, strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, evaluation refers to the entire educational process.

Tenth rating of students with disabilities

Plinio Seniore Scientific High School of Rome, as directed by Professor Maria Raspalo, Editor-in-Chief, predicts that its “Institutional Assessment Protocol” will, if necessary, include students with disabilities, equivalent tests and long periods of time to complete it, as well as autonomous and communications assistants (Article 318, Legislative Order 297 / 94).

As noted in the protocol of Lycio Scientifico Plino Sr. in Rome, the evaluation of intellectual paths based on its educational value and the results achieved – should always be guaranteed. In the presence of parents, the GLHO will determine whether there will be an assessment:

  • A personalized path, “with minimal goals”, refers to class planning and the achievement of the minimum goals set in the IEP, even with partial autonomy (for students with the highest level of decimal rating, the objectives of his IEP). This assessment system is targeted at students with mild disabilities.
  • Related to the personalized “differentiated” path, i.e., focusing only on the training objectives, content, and strategies taught in the individual curriculum. This type of assessment takes into account various areas of potential development from rehabilitation, education, process and socio-vulnerable profile. In this case, the programming achieves maximum flexibility so that if there are situations or failure to achieve them, the goals can be adjusted accordingly or shifted in progress. This type of assessment is linked to a different program, which leads to obtaining a certificate of attendance (Art. 13 of Art. 323/98 of the Presidential Order), which is only a continuation of its legal value study. Art, the student may be allowed to attend the next academic year or be notified repeatedly for a third time. 316 Legal Order 297/94. There should be a note at the bottom of the assessment documents and certificate, according to which the assessment refers to the IEP, not the objectives of the syllabus studied.
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Students with specific learning disabilities (SLD)

Assessment of students with specific learning difficulties should take into account the subjective circumstances of students, including certified therapists or private structures.

It should be implemented in the practice of interpreting methods that differentiate according to discipline and type of work, revealing what the manifestation of the disorder is, the student’s commitment and the knowledge actually acquired.

Evaluation and compensation measures

For the purposes of the most accurate assessment – as noted in the protocol of Liceo Scientifico Plinio Seniore in Rome – compensation and distribution measures should be implemented under current law, taking into account the size of the problem profile of the particular law. Type of disorder and associated difficulties:

  • Clearly define what you want to evaluate;
  • Provide these students with evaluation criteria and allow the student to evaluate his or her own progress, not just to compare himself or herself with others;
  • Arrange scheduled questions not only on dates, but also on content;
  • Evaluate written and oral exams so that they take into account the content, not the form, but the student’s discourse and expressive abilities;
  • Replace written exams with oral exams where failure in written exam has already been verified;
  • Allow extra time to complete tests or provide for tests with fewer requests;
  • Give him tips on how to carry out the task, help him get started, and if possible, prepare a place to answer after each question;
  • During the exam, provide alternative tools and aids that the student used correctly during the personal learning process (reminder tables, multiplication table, calculator, computer with spell checker, etc.);
  • Divide complex and explicit tasks into their component parts so that the student can successfully complete as many parts as possible;
  • Keep track of potential distractions in the environment: keep calm, quiet, and encourage listening, even if it is slow; Leave time for mental restoration; Let it manifest without interruption;
  • Loud reading, vocabulary use, if necessary, to avoid certain school activities;
  • Providing realistically manageable verification and assessment tests to improve student self-esteem and self-efficacy processes;
  • Prepare tests that stimulate awareness of “other” abilities, depending on the class group.
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These measures should be used not only during the school year, but also from time to time and during the final assessment moments and during the exam.

To carry out the tests, it is necessary to take into account the specific tools adopted

In particular – as stated in the Liceo Scientifico Plinio Seniore protocol in Rome – it is necessary to take into account the specific tools adopted during the school year for the effectiveness of the experiments. The assessment is adjusted with the student’s profile and does not compare with other students or is aligned with the average class standard.

These assessment methods, which allow SLD-educated students to truly demonstrate the level of education they have learned, must be guaranteed during state exams. Commissions must ensure the use of appropriate compensation tools and adopt evaluation criteria related to the content, rather than the form, in written and oral examinations.

In the case of INVALSI National Tests, the Class Council may provide adequate compensation and distribution measures for the effectiveness of the tests and if they are not adequate,

With regard to foreign languages, the ways in which the student expresses their skills better are respected, so the written tests are designed, presented and evaluated according to the difficulties associated with SLD.

To provide students with performance written in a foreign language

During the year and examination, students may be exempted from services written in a foreign language:

  • Explicit request for DSA certification and written examinations certifying the severity of the disorder;
  • Ensure that classroom approval is granted on a temporary or permanent basis, taking into account diagnostic assessments and the results of academic-intellectual interventions.

Total exemption from learning a foreign language on the basis of the certificate issued, if approved by the Class Council, does not allow students to take the English language-related INVALSI exam. (Article 20, Lgs 62/2017)

During the state examination, which completes the second cycle of education, the methods and contents of the oral examinations modifying the written examinations were established by the authorities on the basis of documents provided by the class committees.

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“In the final diploma published at the end of the examination, there is no mention of methods of conducting examinations and differentiation” (Art. 20, Legislative Order 62/2017).

Students with a Personal Study Program (BES)

This led to the customization of a research project (PdP) – as stated in the protocol by Liceo Scientifico Plinio Seniore di Roma – even if students with general learning difficulties are certified, including therapists or private structures, and identified by the class council as factors / barriers to the learning process Subjective circumstances should be taken into account and the following intellectual facilities should be guaranteed (Order of the Minister 27/12/2012 and CM 8 March 6 2013):

Compensation and distribution measures are considered the most appropriate:

  • Planning long hours for writing exams and homework;
  • The structure of scheduled queries, not only on dates, but also on content;
  • Psychological support and support for the ability to organize and support the development of one’s own learning;
  • Placement in supportive classroom workgroups;
  • The evaluation of written and oral exams takes into account the content and not the form;
    Alternative tools and learning aids (reminder tables, multiplication table, calculator, long time to perform tasks, computer with spell checking, etc.);
  • Focusing on the skills that really exist, cultivating an awareness of “other” skills that, according to the class group, can enable the student to achieve more positive results. Improving self-esteem and self-efficacy.

These rules – as stated in the protocol of Liceo Scientifico Plinio Seniore in Rome – should be applied not only during the school year, but also from time to time and during the final assessment moments and during the exam. In particular, it is necessary to take into account the specific tools adopted in school life for assessment.

In order to use the Compensation and Distribution Tools during the State Examinations, it is necessary to take into account the results of the PTP, the Examinations Commission and the balance of the examinations and the conditions for conducting them.
