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Angry, many users leave the site for the contest

WhatsApp has significantly provoked its users by manipulating usage terms and personal data. Many users leave WhatsApp to accept competing services such as Signal or Telegram. The first suggests that the influx of registration requests has been difficult to manage in recent days.

WhatsApp users desert
Credit: Unsplash

This is not the first time Facebook or one of its services has angered users, especially in managing their personal data. Corruption (bitterly?) Reminds us Cambridge Analytica This had a huge impact on the social network. But we have not forgotten the lower and higher cases.

A collection of important information drawn up by the website Of social networking, revealed The Wall Street Journal A year ago. Wealth of Information collected by Facebook Messenger, Published by the press Forbes A few days ago. Or Repeated security breaches, Messenger, Instagram or WhatsApp are all found in Mark Zuckerberg’s company.

Precisely the latter made the news this week. In fact, Facebook has changed significantly WhatsApp Privacy and Terms of Use. The application threatened its users Close their account if they do not comply with these conditions. This happened fortunately quickly Facebook has refusedGDPR protects users’ personal information, especially in Europe.

Burned, WhatsApp users flee

Earlier in the day, we posted in our columns the report of the person responsible for privacy matters on WhatsApp. He confirmed it Europeans are not forced to share on Facebook Thanks to GDP. However, damage appears to have occurred. Many symptoms a Great visit from WhatsApp users Especially towards competitive services Signal And Telegraph.

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The news posted by Signal Groups on Twitter on January 7, 2021 confirms that there was a strong congestion this weekend. Several registration requests have been made Within a few hours, there is a significant delay in the delivery of verification codes for account verification. Since then, verification code verification code requests have now been normally implemented.

However, choosing signal as an alternative to WhatsApp is not accidental. It may not believe the same disgrace of big names in instant messaging, but it has experienced an experience Elon Musk’s media is inspiring, Recently became the richest man in the world, And Edward Snowden, Became a former CIA agent whistleblower.