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An official farewell to Alberto Maritado?

One of the most talked about couples on the test island is spoken again. Speranza Cabaso publicly rejects Alberto Maritado’s attempt at reconciliation: “No conditions”.


One Pairs Much has been said about the eighth edition Trigger Island, Alberto Maritado e Hope Cabaso, They return to the eye of the storm for a reason Mail Alberto’s affection, the sign of a test Compromise, Reduce Reaction Of hope.

Their path True Assuming both are a long pride, it is very special Visit I was Sixteen years, It ended so badly Couple crisis The island, all of it Fire Comparison and Triggers, Failed to heal.

Why did Speranza reject Alberto?


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Alberto, During his stay in the village, with his behaviors Injured Despite the long relationship, the failed beautiful hope is repeated Forget it nothing.

In True Alberto often fell into the hands of the tester நுன்சியா தக்லியலத்தேலா, And not just weapons. Plenty Emotional kisses Between the two they were like a flammable liquid already in high contact Unstable.

The The fire of conflict The latter led Alberto to say that he was tired of his engagement to Speranza. However, after the reality show, Nanzia’s tester’s comfort didn’t turn out to be a big deal. Smoke cloud.

A record Dolce From the official profile towards Speranza Alberto.Maridado Despite the beautiful words it is not enough:

“Love is the most beautiful feeling, the ability to make us feel alive and to see the world in a better light. Sometimes, no matter how big our love, it’s not paid for us.

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The Reaction De Speranza was hard and dry, to which a follower who asked for explanations replied: “There are no prerequisitesI ”and both will never be the same again.

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